hiver - Historical Revisionism by Vrij Historisch Onderzoek

hiver - Historical Revisionism by Vrij Historisch Onderzoek

hiver - Historical Revisionism by Vrij Historisch Onderzoek


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——————————————————————> Conseils de révisions / <strong>hiver</strong> winter 2007<br />

Western society, the Holocult. Whereas questioning and reviling religious beliefs is almost a<br />

cornerstone underpinning the mindset of those societies, even genuine historical research into the<br />

subject of a subsection of the 60 million who died in the second world war is prohibited and most<br />

certainly leads to being ostracised in public: The suffering of the Jews may not be questioned since "if<br />

it were to be proven that "The Holocaust" has, in fact, been stage-managed for political reasons in<br />

order to promote Israeli interests, then the State of Israel and the United States as public players, and<br />

the global Zionist organizations as private lob<strong>by</strong>ing entities would have to accept their share of<br />

responsibility for the damage, suffering and hardship they have wrought upon the Middle East and the<br />

world and, accordingly, they should be held accountable."<br />

The latter is a quote from communiqué no. 16 of Argentina's growing opposition movement<br />

MSRA or Argentine Second Republic Movement, who intend to host a Holocaust conference of<br />

their own in order to examine how the Holocaust has been used propagandistically for<br />

political ends following the end of World War II. [SEE OUR SPANISH SECTION].Rather<br />

than a one-off event, the Tehran conference is the beginning of the unravelling of the special status<br />

that Israel and Zionist Jews enjoy in the world justified <strong>by</strong> their special suffering at the hands of the<br />

Germans. The issue is not whether Jews suffered during World War II but that this suffering has been<br />

exploited since, in what Finkelstein called the "Holocaust industry". For the last half century, only<br />

Jews and retired politicians, the latter in their memoirs, were permitted to voice criticism of Israel and<br />

the Zionist lob<strong>by</strong>. Meanwhile, with some historical distance, many more people are demanding to have<br />

a say in the matter, although others, like the Muslim American Society (MAS) Freedom Foundation<br />

feel the need to curry favour <strong>by</strong> stating "True Muslims must never deny the Holocaust" and in the<br />

words of Ibrahim Ramey, the Director of their Human and Civil Rights Division: "The evidence of this<br />

crime, and the horrible magnitude of this killing, is irrefutable. From sources as varied as Nazi war<br />

records, film documentation, and most importantly, the testimony of survivors and witnesses, we<br />

know that the mass murder of European Jews was, indeed, the single greatest crime of genocide in the<br />

twentieth century." - whereas the communiqué from Argentina questions why, if World War II cost<br />

more than 60 million lives in Europe and Asia, mankind's attention is almost solely focused on the<br />

suffering of 10% of those victims and millions have been added since then "including almost 2 million<br />

Iraqis killed <strong>by</strong> the Bush Family and their Associates since the First Gulf War in 1991 to date".<br />

Recognising that the label of unique suffering can no longer be worn unchallenged, researchers<br />

who questioned certain aspects of the official holocaust story were convicted in political show trials as<br />

a warning to others: in France Robert Faurisson or Roger Garaudy, the latter for his substantive book<br />

The Founding Myths of Modern Israel, in Austria David Irving, in Australia Fredrick Toeben, in<br />

Germany Germar Rudolf and Ernst Zundel. But with Iran state-sponsoring a conference on the subject<br />

and inviting eminent Rabbis to attend, all this effort has come to naught. The topic will not go away<br />

and awkward questions are going to be asked.<br />

As a gentile European I may not ask these questions without penalty, but Rabbi Moishe Arye<br />

Friedman, chief Rabbi of the Orthodox anti-Zionist Jewish Community in Vienna, Austria, did not<br />

prostrate before the God of Zion and did not hesitate to attend the Tehran conference decried <strong>by</strong> the<br />

Muslim American Society as immoral and motivated <strong>by</strong> racial hatred. In his address to the conference<br />

he stated that the founder of the Zionism, Theodor Herzl, already spoke in his first diaries of a number<br />

of six million Jews who were allegedly threatened in Europe and that, according to Herzl, the so-called<br />

Jewish state would only have a chance if there was a disaster for these six million European Jews, as<br />

well as that the Bolshevists and the British government already used the six million figure in their war<br />

propaganda against Germany during the first world war. He further talked about the collaboration<br />

between the Nazis and the Zionists, and added that he was sure that the last word about the real or<br />

actual number of the victims had not yet been spoken, mentioning that in 1990 the number originally<br />

specified of four million victims of Auschwitz had been reduced to approximately 900,000 to 1.1<br />

million whilst the six million figure remained unchallenged.<br />

Now to be consistent, Austrian prosecutors would have to charge the Vienna Chief Rabbi with<br />

Holocaust denial, but such a trial would further dent the credibility of the laws protecting the official<br />

version of events as well as that of the Shoah story itself, repeatedly embellished <strong>by</strong> Hollywood<br />

productions. It is, therefore, highly unlikely, that the Rabbi will be dragged before a court to answer on<br />

charges of anti-Semitism.<br />

Meanwhile there are two strands to the unofficial debate about the holocaust: on the one hand<br />

historians demand that this episode of history must not be barred from proper scientific scrutiny in<br />

order to separate myth from reality. Guiseppe Furioso, for example, asks why there is no documentary<br />

evidence of the gassings nor any mention of it in Churchill's memoirs or <strong>by</strong> any other political figures<br />

of the time.<br />

The other, and more potent, strand is the questioning of the Pax Americana or victor's justice<br />

established with the Nuremberg Trials and the propagandistic exploitation of Jewish suffering for<br />

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