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1916 Indice delle letture bibliche

Bar 4, 21-22 1080

4, 28-29 898

Ez 34, 31 822

36, 25-27 800

37, 12b-14 930

Dn 6, 27b-28a 1170

Gl 2, 27-28a 1371

Am 4, 13 749

5,8 749

9, 6 750

Mic 6, 8 1045

Sof 3, 14. 15b 1588

Zc 9, 9 1588

Ml 1, 11 584

3, 1 1268

3, 23-24 1422


At 2, 42-45 1613

2, 42. 47 586

5, 12a. 14 1622

5, 41-42 1623

13, 23-25 1414, 1426

15, 7-9 1315, 1445

26, 16b-18 1240

Rm 1, 1-3a. 7 1434

1. 16-17 1397

1, 16b-17 1026

3, 21-22a 1027

3, 23-25a 845

5, 1-2. 5 803

5, 8-9 605

6, 22 952

8, 1-2 1157

8, 15-16 934

8, 18-21 1130

1, 22-23 934

8, 26 804

8, 28-30 1475, 1495, 1771, 1799

8, 35. 37 855

8, 35. 37-39 1632, 1657

9, 4-5 1514

11, 33-36 552, 666

12, 1-2 1473, 1494, 1763

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