Estados Unidos: Visões Brasileiras - Funag

Estados Unidos: Visões Brasileiras - Funag

Estados Unidos: Visões Brasileiras - Funag


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____.Trade, transparency and competition: FTAA and CER. JournalofLatin American Competition Policy, v. 1, Edição Especial, dezembrode 1998a.____. Transaction costs and regional trade. Revista Brasileira deEconomia, v. 52, N° Especial, Rio de Janeiro: FGV, 1998b.Tyson, L. Whos bashing whom?: trade conflict in high.technologyindustries. Washington, D.e.: Institute for Intemational Economics,1992.US Govemment. Economic report of the president. Washington,D.C., 1989.US Government. Impact óf anti-competitive practices of enterprises andassociations on international trade. Apresentado no \\:,TO WorkingGroup on the Interaction between Trade and Competition, Genebra,I I a 13 de março de 1998a.US Government. Observations on the distinction between competitionlaws and antidumping roles. Apresentado no WTO Working Groupon the Interaction between Trade and Competition, Genebra, 27 dejulho de 1998b.US Government. Economic report ofthe president. Washington, D.e.,1999.106

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