Translation 2783

Translation 2783

Translation 2783


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..... 104 '<br />

vat-ers and the coast of Japan. At. present. nortrcerri sea lions are of'<br />

no imroitance in the uealin;;. industry in the Soviet Par Last, tue<br />

annùal experi•,eJ;tal ta'-•:e.by ships tizere Uein" a few hundreds (650<br />

slJeciiaenu in -1965 and 400 in 1966).<br />

A few are talcen by coastal residents.<br />

In Canadian waters C;,^ or 9;:: of the stocks of northern sea<br />

lions in shore rookeries are taken annually.<br />

71<br />

Californian Sea Lion (ZaI2.plLus<br />

Lesson, 1B26)<br />

The-ce are two subspac.i.e:; of the Californian sea lion in the<br />

northern part of the l'a.cific 0cean: tne Californian sea lion p7:oper<br />

Z. c. cca.lifornlanus) and the Japanese sea lion (Z. c. ^aponicus) .<br />

A third subspecies lives in the southern hemisphere, the Galapa,^;;os<br />

sea lion (Z. c. wollelJaeki) .<br />

Pile. 23. ICrnltc;nrnuüctacïl Mopcxoïl nea.<br />

Pig. 23. Californian sea lion..<br />

r2r.e<br />

adults' colour is chocolate-broti•rn of variou., àha.des.<br />

pups are of a deep chestnut colour. The animals' coats have no dense<br />

silky urlder.fur. '11lle rear f.lippc.r.: ^ are r:lue;l :.11ox'teJ than ttrc front<br />

ones, and tire outer digits are broader and lonf,er. than ti.e inner ones.<br />

The front flip-)ers are na,.rrôwor than those of the nortilern sea lion.<br />

The llead of tl.c males Pi.,,. 23) is turned ttu :Jn:.1rp1,y; the feinales<br />

have a lol'1,;, bx'oa.cl muzzle (a,, curnirareà wit,i tl,r:.t of femrilo fur :•ea.ls)<br />

l'l o fe:.ir11,4;: i:Lrl'' 1;1uC11 :^.nibla..f.:r ti.an the 11111lt'.:i. '.:1r:u S.o(^l0,,,J.cil.l I)Ol.l.Y<br />

^'6 cm, F.L1:U l.l:il.t of •

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