Translation 2783

Translation 2783

Translation 2783


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..... 124<br />

The present mi,.rc,ers of truc :;outti :A!uericac_ fur seals (Arc.toeepiinlu::<br />

australis j;ra.cilis) in the Atlantic coastal _-etr,iori is esti-<br />

!,;ated at .icre than 100,000 (70,000 on trio coast an(_ islands of<br />

Uruguay, more tl,a.zr 25,000 on trie Lobos Islands, and ar,ou-L ",000 or,<br />

the islands off the coast, of Argentina`. it is believed t.ia1: the<br />

Galapaaos population -contains more than 2,000,<br />

nd the Palkland<br />

Islands populltioir more than 20,000.<br />

At present only Uruguay r,ialces any economic use of ti,e stocks<br />

of fur sea,ls.<br />

From 11,000 to 5,000 arc taken annually, r,ioütly bachelor<br />

seals aged from one-and-a-half. to two years. The seal-iiuriting season<br />

lasts from tire middle of July to the begin,_inE of September. We do<br />

not know of any measures being taken to regrulate sez.l-huntin^; ti^,ere.<br />

(Fie'. 30 j.<br />

South African Fur Seal<br />

(Arctoceohalus 3llsi1lus Nhr., 1776)<br />

This seal is sligirtly larger than the South American fur seal<br />

The body length of adult males exceeds 210 or.l.; tne weight<br />

f:Luc'tuates, according to the season of the year, from 210 to ^15 kg.<br />

Adult females are smaller than the males; their maximwn body length<br />

is 180 cm, and their wei;;ht fluctuates between 1)0 and 115 kg. I.+ewborn<br />

pups have a body length of more than 60 c,n and an average body<br />

weight of about 7 kg.<br />

The hair covering of large sexually-niature males is coarse,<br />

dark-grey on the back and with a lighter tint on the'bel].y. The<br />

fema,les r:tre grey-brown, with a lighter tint on the belly. The pups<br />

are born with short darlc-brown fur, which is repla.ced by olive-e'rey<br />

hair after the moult. Yearling South Africccn fur seals are of a<br />

silver,y-grey colour ai'ter moulting.<br />

The ran-e of South African fur seals (Fig. 31 j<br />

inclucles the<br />

southwest and south coasts of Africa wà.tl, tme adjacent islands from<br />

Q 1 Co Alaoa :1^J^ on the SouChL.3i: 3):<br />

Cape Cross on t,,-,e north (21 14 S. )^ Fur seal rookeries nave been<br />

observed on i,t;rny rocky islands r.r.r,d coasts (Cape i;ro.,s, l;ird Iwlrlnd,<br />

Lucleritz Bay, Long, lslands,<br />

and Jacob,. Rocks, aeal<br />

Island in Valse Bay, Quoi„ Rock, near Cape Ae;u1i,a.s, on :eal Island<br />

in ]rôssel à:tn.y, and on the ..d.rd Islands near A1„oa fay The seal:r c.io<br />

not usually rualce long rnirations, but durir,t, tc,.. period' of inten,^ive<br />

feedinl, tt,cy are fa.irly widely distr.ibutcd w.i-:iiin t,_Lir rance. it

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