Translation 2783

Translation 2783

Translation 2783


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4<br />

..... 11Q<br />

of dl•rellin{; in rookeries on the ice of shallow-water areas, sand<br />

bull-heàds and (exceptionallyj cisco xx play a considerable part in<br />

the diet.<br />

During the ice-dwellines,' period of tlic.ir life (Deueriber to<br />

May) they keep to o;,en areas with floatina ice, and t:.eir principal<br />

food consists of pelagic oil••-.f'ish and bull-heads. In stiu.uner and early<br />

auttunn their dio't is rnore va.ried', and they coiz^ujae various species<br />

of benthic bull-heads. '!'hese seals do not cause appreciable }iarni to<br />

ve,lur.i.ble<br />

economic fish species, althoug,IZ they sometim.es j;c:t into fixed<br />

nets and seines, where they eat whitofish and cisco. ,:conoinic fi.shcs<br />

constitute approximately 1p of the total food eaten by,the seals.<br />

Seals have long been hunted on Lake i;e,if.a:1, but reliable in--<br />

formation on the size of the kill is extremely disconnected and scanty.<br />

It is.known that in the second ha.lf of the 1 Bth century local and<br />

Russian coastal residents took an. annual averaGe of 2,000 seals. At<br />

the beginninp; . of the 19201-s the kill had increased to 4,000. About<br />

1930 it increased to 5,000 or 6,000 annually, and it remained at about<br />

the sa,ne level until 1941. During the war and post-war years few<br />

seals were taken, and the yearly average for the period 19ij1-zt9 did<br />

not exceed 1,500. During the next decade (1950-60) it shrank to a<br />

few hundied,-, .<br />

;3ince then the size of the kill has f_luctuated, but<br />

hs,s not exceeded 2,000 in any year.<br />

Before 1935 seals were hunted in Lake i3aikal at any time of<br />

the year, without any limitation. r.Chat resulted in a decrease in the<br />

numbers of tho aniiaals.<br />

The first mezsures for conservation of the<br />

seal stocks were introduced in 1935; 1»Lntin(; was permitted only in<br />

and in the southern part of the lako it was totally prohibited.<br />

spring-,<br />

In 196.6 new i~e,ç;ulatoT^y measures were brou,-lit in'i;o force: see,l-•]•:illinE;<br />

was prohibited throughout the entire ::ailcal territory for the whole<br />

year, except for the period from April 25 until the ice begar, to nielt;<br />

seal.-hunti':gon the water -by means of boatti and canoes was also prohibited.;<br />

a.limit ^ro.s l)laced on thi^ nu:.iber of moulted pups that might<br />

r::.nd econo,nic activities were pi^ohibi',,cd around the Usli- t1<br />

be lci.J.lea;<br />

rockc:ries<br />

ltian' ie Islands., i;iiore the seals fe?•7i<br />

As a re-.:^ult of tnese conservation r:1ea:;ures and of decrease<br />

in the take, the soal stocks be,^,an to recover. In 1953 an a.erial<br />

on ice-fl.oes was made for the fà.rs't ti.ae, ar,d<br />

cnil:;us of t.le<br />

i,n^.le .it iro:.:il) 1.e to u s t:i..i :r,1;e tl:^; ^:u,::bez of<br />

c^1.:, It i'O,üÙO-`5,00 0 .

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