Translation 2783

Translation 2783

Translation 2783


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. . 322<br />

water. Therefore the ships must arrive three or four days .befere<br />

th(r. beginning of the hunt and make a survey of the belts of winter<br />

ice (the possible locations of harp scal rookeries), and of the<br />

areas of Arctic ice to locate the hooded seals' pupping-grounds.<br />

Throughout the sealing season the chief tactical procedure by the<br />

ships is the search for seal concentrations. That search by ships<br />

is very difficult because of the bad ice conditions. Aerial surveys<br />

are necessary in that region for successful sealing. Tue Norwegians<br />

use helicopters based on an auxiliary ship.<br />

Caspian seals do not form large and dense pupping. rookeries.<br />

The animals spread over extensive water areas, soMetimes more than<br />

1000 sq. km , in separate groups or even by separate individuals.<br />

The most favourable time for taking the fur-bearing seal -- the<br />

whitecoat -- is from January 20 to February 10. The ships come<br />

early to the edge of the ice and, having obtained information from<br />

the operational aerial survey, move into the area where the seals<br />

are to be found, using the available patches of open water. Because<br />

of the low power of Caspian sealing vessels they cannot force their<br />

own way through the ice, and when there is no open water they are<br />

sometimes obliged to wait at the ed.e of the ice for a long time.<br />

The method of killing adult seals in the Caspian sea does<br />

not differ from the shooting of ringed seals. When the rifleman<br />

sees an air-hole in the rookery area he conceals himself and waits<br />

for thé seal to appear out of the water. The seal is usually shot<br />

in the head, and then immediately dragged up on the ice with a<br />

harpoon. Whitecoats are killed by harpooning, as in the North. The<br />

carcass is dressed on the spot, beside the air-hole, and the hunter<br />

drags the hide and attached blubber to the next air-hole with a strap.<br />

The hunters usually travel in pairs, having with them a<br />

special long sledge (chunki). After finishing shooting they collect<br />

all the hides, load them on the sledge, and haul them to the ship.<br />

In the Far :.ast seal-hunting is carried on front ships in<br />

the Sea of Okhotsk. The chief species hunted are akibas (ringed<br />

seals), bearded seals, ribbon seals, largas (harbour seals), and a<br />

few northelm sea lions. These pinnipedes do not form dense concentrations,<br />

and are found on the ice either sins:1Y . or in small groups.<br />

.cach sealin schooner carries on its deck five motor launches

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