Translation 2783

Translation 2783

Translation 2783


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• .146 •<br />

.<br />

(105 o E to 112 o ' 2), and also Rous Sea (150 0 V to 165 o E). The deh-<br />

sity of occurrence of seals -(per square mile) on the ice, multiplied<br />

by the area of the ice, enabled the investigators to calculate the<br />

number of crab-eater seals in the former region as being 340,000, .<br />

and in the latter.region as being 605,000. It issurmised tnat the .<br />

density of occurrence of crab-eater seals on the ice is seven times<br />

as hiEh in the Indian Ocean sector as in Ross Sea. 2.he density of<br />

occurrence of crab-eater seals in Weddell Sea, according to tne American<br />

investigators, reaches the highest figure -- an average of ten<br />

animals per square nautical mile; some even densr eoncenLrations.<br />

were recorded in that region -- up to 60 seals per square mile.<br />

At present there is no widespread hunting of crab-eater seals.<br />

A small number of the animals are taken solely for the needs of persons<br />

wintering in the Antarctic or for scientific purposes. '<br />

Leopard Seal (Hydrurea ,leptonix Blainville, 1820)<br />

seal<br />

The body of theee..o. leopard A<br />

is long and slender, the thorax<br />

is strongly deVeloped, the head is large, and 1:1E3 moutn is wide with<br />

rows of sharp teeth (Fig. 37).<br />

The back of adults is'dark-grey,<br />

sometimes almost black. Tho sides and belly arc light-grey.<br />

lips and chin are white. Irregularly-Shaed spots, black, dark-grey,<br />

and light-grey, are scattered uver the entire body.<br />

The<br />

In external<br />

aPpearance this sears colouring resembles, that of a leopard..<br />

embryonic fur of a new-born pup is soft and fine; th' .<br />

The<br />

ba:ck iS darkgrey<br />

wita a darker strie alcmg the spine, and the sides and belly<br />

are almost white with irregularly-shaped black spots. After moulting.<br />

the pups acquire the colouring of tne adults.<br />

se:d<br />

The a=a leopard is the largesL Antarctic suai. 'ohe maximum<br />

A -<br />

zoologicall.ength of adults is about 400. ais. The body weignt of the<br />

females exCeeus 450 kg.<br />

The pups are largo when born: tne zoological bodà -. 1 ,, ngth of -<br />

a new-born pu .„).may reach 1 ,.S0 cm, a,d its weignt 5U<br />

range includes te entire drift-ice zee 01 io Ant:arctic<br />

and also tne.sub-Antarctio islands, includinE t<br />

these (lleard Island, ,acquarie Island, ',01.11n Get,rc,ia<br />

iiot nortnerly or<br />

These seals nre fairlj co:adon on tNe sounern Ausrallan and Lew<br />

etc.)<br />

Zenjam coass. ùccasional speciJens travel far beyond tLe -boundary<br />

of Le.i.i -rnnu nsd ;tre seen on CORI.; Of YouLn frica; tri) 'mist<br />

norinLvly siNtiLu was aL<br />

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