Translation 2783

Translation 2783

Translation 2783


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Genus (Japerea Cray , 1264 .<br />

(Pygmy llight-waaIes)<br />

• • • • • 1 70<br />

Pygmy >flight Uhale (Caperea marr;inata Gray, 1846)<br />

Whales ol tnis species constitute a separate genus and differ<br />

from other right whales not only in their smaller size (maximum body<br />

length up to 6.0 or 6.5 metres) but also in otûer features. An external<br />

feature is that there is a small dorsal fin in the Posterior<br />

third of the body.<br />

Fig. 44.<br />

Pue. 44. Kap.aummodi MaJ1Kiu1 itT,<br />

Pygmy right whale. •<br />

The body of this whale is massive, but much elongated as com-<br />

.pared with other right whales,•and in shape it resembles a .<br />

There are no folds on the ventral side.<br />

rorqual.<br />

The body is black, with separate<br />

grey stripes along the .sides,. beginning at the level Of the<br />

flippers. 1 . he belly is usually lighter in colour. The skin is smooth,<br />

without parasites and without projections'at the tip of the snout,<br />

but sometimes one observes a backward-pointing cartilaginous process .<br />

on i -b. • The head occupies nearly one-quarter of tae body length. The'<br />

upper jaw contains 200-230 light-yellow baleen plates.<br />

The outer edge.<br />

of the baleen is dark or dark-brown. The lower jaw does not have an<br />

arch-shaped or trapezoidal. projection upward (as is typical of bow.:<br />

head and southern . right whales); The oral cavity and the tongue are<br />

white. '1..he flippers are relatively short and have a manus consisting<br />

of only four phalanges.<br />

There is no sternum, and taerefore -the ly<br />

pairs of ribs are free. An important distinction is the shoi.tened<br />

spine, in which there are only two lumbar vertebrae. The total number<br />

of vertebrae is 42 (seven cervical, 17 thoracic, two lumbar, and 16<br />

caudal).<br />

other right wnales.<br />

There is an appendix to the caecum, a feature •not found in<br />

ryiny richt whales are found only in the soutnern hemisPhere,<br />

in waters with temperature from 5 o to 20 0 They occur mainly in<br />

tue Great Australian eight, off Tasmania, aLd off :_ioutû island - (f (3w<br />


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