Translation 2783

Translation 2783

Translation 2783


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327<br />

BRIEF ïàï;SC^^T2`i.'101`.d OF I'AC1.'OBRY-Slill'S<br />

;•'iiale<br />

floati_n, factories.<br />

carcasses Ma,,' be ';l'ocess ed in either coastal or<br />

^• n<br />

!`lierC 4:^:re Sever^.l coastal sta^lOi1.^ o;G:Catin{;<br />

in the Soviet Union from 1943 to 1965, located in the ÿurile Islands.<br />

.<br />

The processing, is now carried out on t^^?F: or:en sea, and all the oper.<br />

ations of cuti:inL, up the carcasses and preparing and packing the<br />

fi.nished products t^,ïre place in floating factories -- whaling<br />

fa.ctory-ships.<br />

A base foi.- ?orocessine,• whale products (a factory-ship) is an<br />

ocean-going tanker-type vessel of large tonnage, eqtiiipned for the<br />

recention and cuttin.t;-un of whales and for the _creparation and partial<br />

packing of the finisiled products. ht the same time the factoryship<br />

provides sup_olies to the t•;haling-shi-^?s assiLïned to it.<br />

the factory-ships are designed to stay at sea for an unlir:li ted<br />

perioâ, and differ in their operating and technical characteristics<br />

(Table .12).<br />

The largest factory-ships in the world are the âov'i.e t-built<br />

All<br />

which have all-welded<br />

Sovetslca^a ï7kr•^ina and Sovetska^;a Ross-i^,^ahulls,<br />

four-decked bow and stern superstructures, and a two-decked<br />

central superstructure.<br />

The short but high (consisting of four or five decks) bow<br />

superstructure of a modern factory-ship, which is moved well up<br />

into the bow, contains several control posts and also the living,<br />

eating, etc. accommodation for the lnembers of the crew. The central<br />

part of the ship contains the superstructure separating the bow and<br />

stern processinL, areas; a transportation corridor runs along the<br />

middle of it, Several cranes and winches are installed in that<br />

sunerstructure.<br />

ComF:artraents in the superstructure are used. for<br />

servicing various items of equipment, for s-coraee of tools, etc.,<br />

and as the location of productive workshops.<br />

The multidecked stern provides sleeping quarters for the<br />

crew; va--:ious do._lesti_c, official, and auxiliary offices are also<br />

located there.<br />

be located on the top deck.<br />

A hangar and landing-space for helicopters may also<br />

In the stern pa2:t of the ship (alon^; its lon^,itudinal axis)<br />

-trier.e is

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