Translation 2783

Translation 2783

Translation 2783


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..... 434<br />

260. An ti r^v, s R. C. Mouo;;ra; l+s of the Pacific Cetacea. 11. The soi whale (Balaeno;,tera<br />

t'crealis L.). ^1cn1. ^lm.<br />

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MUS. ^'at. 110,t. vol. 1, l^?iG, pp. 29l--3F,,8. ,8.<br />

2,1--) 1 :1 s 1; C. P The bociy -;; eiôht of ml:ales. I-Jorsh: I Iva!fan Jst -- tidende, n. ',<br />

pp. 3ti4--374, 19:2<br />

2 62. B a it n i s t e r,1. L. & G a m b e II R. The succession and abu4ance of fin, s?F<br />

and other nrhales of Durb:n.n. Norsh Hvalfangst -- tidende, vol. 54, No. 3, 19GZ.<br />

4G--•60.<br />

^63. 13 a r n a r d K. H. :: ruir,c book to South ^frican whales and dc)phins. Guide-<br />

' >tto 4, South African ^auseunl. Cape town, 1954, pp. 33.<br />

2 64, B e d il a r d F. E. a bool, of whales. London, 1900.<br />

265 , L' e s t P. B. Distribution and feedin+T habits of Balcen %vhales off the Cape.-<br />

Province. Division of Sea Fisheries ir,r-,stiaational Report, No 57, Cape tov; f:,<br />

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'266. B e s t P. B. Fariher information on 23rydés whale ( Balaenoptcra edeni<br />

dersol:) from Saiclanha Bay, South Africa. 1\:orsk I-ivalfangst-tidende, No G,.<br />

1960. pp. 20 1--210.<br />

:267. 13 e s t P. B. The sperm •a-hale ( Phy-setcr c-s'.onon) off the wcst coast South .1f-•<br />

rica. 2. Reproc'.uciion in the F=en;aie. 3. Reproduction in the :Niale. 4. Distribution<br />

and htovemcn;. lnvestigatio»al Report, Division of S--,a Fisheries, S. Africa, u. 66,<br />

196,P); n. 72, 1:69; n. 78, 19,39.<br />

268. B r a it d l K. Whale Oil an econonlic ilnalisis. Fat and Oil studies n. 7. Food<br />

Research Ins.., California, 1940.<br />

;269. B r ow +; S. G. Disparsal in blue and fin tkhales. Disccvery Reports,.<br />

vol. .`i t>V], 19IJ4, pp. 35S--35=1.<br />

270. J; r o Nv it S. G. 111e meve ment of fin and blue whah>.s t'.ithin. the .-intarctic.<br />

zone. lJiscovery Reports, vo!. 33, 1962, pp. 1-5-1.<br />

.271 , F, u d k e r P. Whales aJ+d vrhaling, New York, 1959.<br />

272. C ii i t t 1 e bo r o u g h Ti. G. The brec•dinr, eycle of the fr:m.lle hurnplac:k wha-<br />

1 le, A!et,a'tera iîodPsa (13c;; . ;. Australian journal of Marine and Freshwatcr Re--<br />

. earcll, Vol. 9, No 1, 1958, p. 1-13.<br />

273 .. C h t t I e b o r o il (; G. Dynamics of two poi''^!a"IiGüS :;f t h e lI?ilnllitlaCr:.<br />

whale, Mefyaptcta novaear,!liae (Bor.), Ibid. vol. 16. N 1, 19C5, 33-128.<br />

27t1. C I a r iycrl ^y- wF:alc, Caperea n:arginata<br />

Gray. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, vol. 129, part 4, 1957, pi). 5M••--U3.<br />

279. D ax%b in W. 11. The migration of hwnpback whales with pass the Now<br />

Zealand coast_ Trans. lZov,+l. 5(c. New ï:e.l nd, vol. 84, \o 1, 19-G, 1.47-19ü.<br />

280 . F u j i n o K. Fin whale subpopulatlons in the Antarclic tvlla!irl1gr areas If,.<br />

III and 1V. The Scientific Reports of xcitales Research Insiiit;te, Vol. iS. 196•+„<br />

pp. 1-28.<br />

281 CI it in b e 11 R. Seasonal ;Movernents of Sperm whales. In «Aspects of Ma--<br />

riue 7c,olo«v>,, 1967, pp. 237-254.<br />

282- t:t a it,. 1) r 1 I R. Seasonrtl cycles and reprci]uclion in sei whales of the southe.rn<br />

I•{e+nis pf,erc. Dis:ovcry- Zeporls, vo!. XXXV, F968, pp. 3i•--134.<br />

2,93- G it in b e 1 i R. Wci(g!it c)f a spertn wha;e, whole and in parts. Suid Afri-.<br />

kaan4e I ;: cl_.la•if. vir 1\-etensl::ip. Jnlie 197f', p a. 225-227.<br />

28L . G a s k i n D. E. Tllc! New Zealand (leiaees. Fisherie; lZesëarch. Buil.lin,<br />

No 4 (New Series), 1:7t33.<br />

285. G a s k i n U. E . , G a w ;. l; o r nIM. W. Diet and feedinr habits of the spcrm<br />

\1'halt: ( ii'1`:SI'.iAr cAtoda)I) in the Cook Strait renior' of IV`l'R Zealand. NC`.v Teü-<br />

L•mri Jwirnàl of dtarine a+ ul l'r%esi\vater Research, vol. 1, No 2, 1961', pp. J56- 179.<br />


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