Translation 2783

Translation 2783

Translation 2783


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..... 41<br />

of i:a.rch to the middle of ];a y. Copulation may take place both on<br />

the ice ' and in the water. After fertilization the:ce' is a pause in<br />

the development of the ova, lasting for 3-3.5 months. ',,:4re total<br />

duration of gestation is about 11 months.<br />

r, very snall proportion of the females mate. on attaining the<br />

a^,e of five years, and the r.e:,ir:.inder at six years of a.-e.' The major<br />

ity of fertile females take an active part.in reproduction before<br />

they are eight years old. it is believed. th.;t sexu'ally--matu-re females<br />

do not mrite every year, and the percenta^e of barren females may<br />

reach a hin,h fil,,ure.<br />

The moulting period of ringed soals bec,;ins at the end of<br />

sprin- and lasts all through tiie sumnier. At that tirae the animals<br />

form scattered groups both on fast ice and on large drift-ice masses.<br />

f'he period of most intensive feeding begins after the moult<br />

is completed, although the anir_1^.ls also feed durinr; other bioloÛical<br />

periods of tiieïr lives.<br />

The principal items in tiieir diet consist<br />

of various species of small pelagic crustaceans and small fishes.<br />

The conipositioi: of the diet may vary according to the locality. Up<br />

to 72 food items have been found in the stomachs of these seals in<br />

eastern Canadian waters, the predominant items being .^uphausi.acea,<br />

Mysidacea, Amphipoda, and shrimps; Arctic cod took a prominent place<br />

among the fishes eaten.<br />

In the waters of the Eux'onean North rir.;ed seals feed on small.<br />

crustaceans and fishes. In some areas Arctic cod is the chief' fish<br />

species eaten (more than 90;u). The seals also feed on sand eels,<br />

capelin, smelts, and flatfish. Crustaceans predornina te in the diet<br />

in summer and fishes in winter. In the White and barcnts .Aa..s rin;ed<br />

seals also eat s-veral species of commercial fishes, such. as navaga<br />

30<br />

and herring; and in ,::ome rivers in the Kola Peninrula they pursue<br />

salmon durint• the period of salmon mi(,-ration, formi.n,-; fairly larÉ;e<br />

concentrations. It is believed that the total -cle.,_?..^;e done there to<br />

valuabli: snecies of commercial fishes is ne^;1.i^,ibl.e. In the Baltic<br />

Sea ri.n;;ecl Leal:-, eat Ûo].nton, -i^o..l.tic heri'int;, sprat;;, cod, 1)i.l e-perch,<br />

ee7.:,, and whitefish, and ai)pai.-ently do some to commercial<br />

fi^her:Ce,a in that ro.-ion. i,in^•rd seals feed iuainlyin coa:,tal waters,<br />

but tire,y may dive to a dc.nth of up to 1U0 i.rutroa in i,oa:i.,ch of food.<br />

in lirctic waters l,it,: c,riu.i onom,y o.t' tnc :i-,à.n,,cd :.(!al

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