Translation 2783

Translation 2783

Translation 2783


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• 129<br />

pups collect in croups, which stay apart from the adult males.<br />

_<br />

The<br />

-<br />

adults' moult is prolonged, beginning in i?ebruary anu lasting until •<br />

the end of April. The feeding period lias not been adequately studied,<br />

nor has the composition of the diet.. The stomachs of tnese fur seals<br />

have • een found to contain fishes, cephaloPodsi and small crustaceans.<br />

. y the middle o2 the 19th century the stocks .of Kerguelen fur<br />

seals had been seriously reduced, the animals having bûen killed for<br />

the sake of their beautiful and. valuable fur. At the beginning of<br />

the 20tn century a few hundred were takûn annually, and by 1921 the<br />

fur seal stocks had practically *lost their economic importance ... After<br />

some conservation measures had been adopted tue numbers of.the-seals<br />

began to rise again. New fur seal colonies were observed in the South<br />

Sandwich, South Orkney, and South Shetland Islands. Kerguelen fur<br />

seals began to appear on the west coast of South Island in New Zealand,-<br />

and wore also seen among New Zealand fur seals on ijacquarie Island.<br />

At • present the numbers of the two subspecies of Kerguelen fur<br />

- seals appear to be over 50,000. The most populous . reokeries are those<br />

on Gough Island (over 12,000) and South Georgia iover. 50,000). With<br />

the airs of increasing their numbers the taking of fur seals has been<br />

prohibited on Crozet, St. Paul, and Amsterdwa Islands and in several<br />

parts of Kerguelen Island; thoy can be taken only under licence on<br />

Bouvet Island and the islands belonging to Britain.<br />

Guadalupe Pur Seal (Argtocebhalus philipii.Peters, 1886)<br />

• Adult male Guadalupe fur seals are dark—grey in colour, their<br />

'muzzle is rusty—brown, and their vibrissae are yellow. The body-<br />

length of adult males is about 130 cm. a,,,d their wùight is over 150 kg,<br />

The biological periods of the annual life cycle of this seal are .<br />

almost unknown. It is - believed that parturition and mating by the<br />

majority of the animals take place from ;lay to july,.and thal; the .<br />

lactation period lasts un -til October.<br />

rane is quite limited. Only one fur seal rookery lias<br />

record 0(1 or: Cuadalui)e island,'where the neale breûd, Separate<br />

been<br />

sichtings of toe animels nave been reporteu fro,i Caw: ;:an Nicolas,<br />

Le :..;anta 'Larbara Islands, and riedr as Llancas. Tua ueals live,all'<br />

year round in the sa:ae localities, preferring incentea coasts.<br />

J,cfore intenbive huntio!'; of fur coals b(.!,“ in the 18th<br />

century tO 1V range ma f,; much I/ id Or, ai d >.1.011(10(1 R101,1: t ii j ;lei. fie

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