Translation 2783

Translation 2783

Translation 2783


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The technology is somewhat different in the coastal factory at<br />

to which slight].y-chilled khoroviny are brought.. The blubber<br />

but not coT^^letely, by machines; a le.ye^. of blubber ap-proximately<br />

1.5 to 2.0 cm ttiick is left on t-rie hides, and tr:,-n they<br />

is r.enioved,<br />

are<br />

passed through a pressing--machine to squeeze out the remaining oil.<br />

with sawdust, i-rhich absorbs the<br />

The squeezed hides are put in a drum<br />

last traces of oil. After being well shaken up in the drum t;.iey are<br />

dry-salted.<br />

A number of Soviet-made<br />

through experimental industrial<br />

anti-oxidants are at present being put<br />

tests.<br />

The scr_api-r_g-off of blubber is done by machine or by hand.<br />

hand-scra-oing, a scraping-knife 400 mm long, with a round-ended blade<br />

120 mm broad, is used on seal hides. The wooden handle is made so that<br />

With<br />

it extends along two-thirds of the blunt side of the blade, overlapping it.<br />

For scraping the hides of Caspian seals and some species of Far Eastern<br />

seals "Lithuanian scythes" are used, with blades 700 mm long and 80 mm<br />

across at the broadest part; they have wooden handles at each end.<br />

Ordinary fishing or hunting knives are used to cut blubber .off<br />

sliees of flesh. Before the blubber is scraped off the hides, they are<br />

spread out on spe.cial benches or blocks called navoi (l.iterally, weaver's<br />

beams), with the fur side underneath. The navoi are made of squared<br />

beams and boards of hardwood. Their size depends on the kind of material<br />

being treated.<br />

The navoi is inclined, with the higher side towards the operator.<br />

Its height depends on his height. About one-third of the khorovina is<br />

snread on the t•,orhing surface, the rest hanging freely over the upper<br />

edge.<br />

The blubber is scraned first from the head end of the hi de, and<br />

thon the hid.e is turned round and, scraped from the cail end.<br />

If the blubber is to be used in the manufac-ture of vitaminized<br />

medicinal oil the scrauing is done in two operations. Pirst the upper<br />

r:_<br />

( soileci.) layer of blubber is reiaoved, and a.^ lerwa.rds the final scraping<br />

takes -ol^ce.<br />

For mechanical blubber-scraping one uses a hide-scra; ii.e machine<br />

constructed on the base of a remodelled hide-scraper of P1M-2 type. The<br />

e^ic<br />

of t;:-^ :_llo:.•o -v- i.ria. is :;queczec, between a x•ubbor i:•oller -ar.c. a;:,rooved<br />

roller, rri:ich can be ar.;justec_ verticall^r accorc: ii ; to 'clie thickness of<br />

the blubber layer.<br />

1i:sc rollers pass t:ie ^tihoroviiia to blades a.r_ranged

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