Translation 2783

Translation 2783

Translation 2783


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435<br />

f<br />

286. G u n t h e r E. R.•The habits of finwhales. Discovery Reports, vol. 25, 1919,<br />

epp. 11 3-142.<br />

2:37 • H a r r i s o n R. J., K i n g J. Marine matnnia Is. London, 1965.<br />

288 . 11 e e z e !I H. C. Whale entangled in deep sea cables. Deep Sea Research,<br />

.vo!. 4, n. 2, 1957, no. 105--115.<br />

289 . H e r s h k o v i t 1 P. Catalog of Living Whales. Stnithsonian institution, -Lint-<br />

-led States National ;:ln›..e.urri, Bull. 246, W. D. C., 1966.<br />

290« I c h i h a r a '1'. 113:ne. whales in the. waters around I■ergùelen Island. Norsk<br />

.livaliangst-tidende, n. 1, 1961, pp. 1-20. .<br />

291. I c h i h a r a T. Identification of the Pygmy Blue uhale in the Antarctic.<br />

Norsk HvalHrgst-tidende, n. 5, 1963, F.D. 128-13(1.<br />

292. I c h i h a r a T.. D o i T. S:uck A.ssessment or Pigmy Blue. whales in the<br />

_Antarctic. Norsk 1-!valiangst.:1dende, n. 6, 1964, pp. 145--167.<br />

293. 1 n t e r n a t i o n a 1 whaling statistics, nn. 1--6ti.<br />

294.'<br />

I v e r s e a B. Whalinr.,s activity in Iceland. Norsk Hvalvangst-tidende, n.10,<br />

1955, pp. 59--•6C.:3.<br />

295. I v a s h i n M. V., R o v n i n A. A. Sonie Results of the Soviet Whale marling<br />

in the waters of the North Pacifie. Ibid., No 6, 1967, pp. 123-135.<br />

296 . • J o n s g a r (I A. The Stocks of Blue whales tBalaenaptera musculus), in<br />

:the Norlhern Atlantic Ocean and Adjacent arctic waters. Ibid.. vol. 44, No 9,<br />

1955, pp. 505-519. ._ ...<br />

297. J o n s g a r d A. Studies on the little Piked whale or Minke whale (Balaenopte.ra<br />

acutorostrata L.). Ibid., vol. 40, No 5, 1956. pp. 209-232. . .<br />

2 98 . • J o n s g a r d .A. Biology of the North Atlantic fin w.hale, Balaenoptera phy-<br />

.:salus. Hvalradets Skrifter, No 49. 196.<br />

299 . ' K e 1 I o g R. What is known of the Migrations of some of the whalebone<br />

•whales. The Smithsonian Report for 1928, pp. 4;37--494 (Ruh], No 2997), 1999.<br />

300. K e I I o g R. Whales, Git, nts of the Sea. National Geographic. .Magazine,<br />

val. 67, lq40, pp. f-&--90<br />

301 . L a w s R. M. The foetal growth rates of whales with special reference to<br />

4he fin whales, Bah-ienoptera physalus Linn. Discovery Reports, v. 29, '959,<br />

.pp. 281-308.<br />

302 . L a w s R. M. Reproduction growth and ag,e of southern fin whales. ibid.,<br />

-v. 31, 1961, pp. 327.-486.<br />

303 . 1037. pp. 7-92.<br />

M a t t h e w s L. H. The humpback whale, .legaptera nodosa. Ibid., v. 17,<br />

304 . M a t t h e w s L. Il. The Sperm whale, Physeter catodon. Ibid., vol. 17,<br />

•1938, pp. 93-168.<br />

305- M a t t h e w s L. II. Notes on the Southern right whale, Eubalaena australis. -<br />

•Ibid., vol. 17, 1938, pp. 10-182.<br />

306. M a t i h e w s L. II. The sel whale, Balaenoptera borealis. Ibid., vol. 17, 1938,<br />

'pp. 1.83-290.<br />

307. M a t t h e w s L. H. (Ed.). The \vhale. London, 1968.<br />

308. M a c k i n t o s h N. A. The Southern stocks of whalebone whales. Discovery<br />

• 'Reports, voi. XXII, 1942, pp. 197-300.<br />

309. M a c k i n t o s h N. A. The Stocks of whales. London, 1965.<br />

51 0 . M a c k i n t o s h N. A., W h ce I e r J. F. G. Southern blue and fin whale.s.<br />

.Discovery Reports, vol. 1, 1929, N. 257--540.<br />

311. :V. cd c o f J. C. Partial Survey and Critique of Cevlon's 'ravine fisheries,<br />

-53. Bull. Fill , Res. Stn., Ceylon, vol. 16, n. 2, 196.3. pp. 29-1 U.4.<br />

312. Iv' i t c h ell H. D. North Atlantic whale Research. Fisheries Council of Caqnsda,<br />

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313. Mi z u e R. Grey ,,vhalcs in the East Sea afea oi prea. k The Scientific Reports<br />

of the Wiialz:s i

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