Translation 2783

Translation 2783

Translation 2783


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..... 271<br />

; y^,my Sperm Whale (!rog ia. brevice-ns)<br />

mi.-:?,^,tior.s of ;ïay s,: ?:-?i i,rl-ial es 1^_av: not been stud_i ed .<br />

Str.andin;;s of taese ar,imal-s have been renorteâ fro:ïi the coasts of<br />

Japan, Metiico, and the U.S.A. They feed on ceYïha.lo pods. Of f tne<br />

coast of Ja.,)an they feed on fishes from depths of 250 metres or niore.<br />

Their reT)rod.uction has not been studied. Active sper,►atogenesis was<br />

observed i-: October in a male 298 cm in length. !.',o information on<br />

their behaviour is available.<br />

Pygmy snerr:i whales are not hunted. Oc-casional specir.rens are<br />

found among small whales killed off the coast of Je.,Dan.<br />

Their products are insi6-ni ficant. - The animals weigh no more<br />

than ij.00 to 500 kg. According to some reports, ambergris has been<br />

found in their intestines.<br />

Goose-beaked ïr!hale (Zi-nhius ca.virostris)<br />

Up to the present the biology of tiiese whales has been little<br />

studied. Goose-beaked i•:hales feed. on cephalopods, in search of which<br />

they make dives lasting for 30 minutes or even longer.<br />

The feniales attain sexual.maturity at a length of about 5-5<br />

^ ,, , ^ ,,^.,<br />

metres, and the males at w:oï^ic:^,,t,.^a,^ snï^^^.^aÿ 1C17gtAA. 1 ^iG calves .^.re<br />

born mostly in autumn, ti•rhen the embryo has attained a length slightly<br />

less than half of that of the mother.<br />

Hunting is on a small sca.le, and specimens taken are included<br />

in the group "0ther". Goose-beaked whales are taken off the coast<br />

of Japan almost all year round, but principally in summer (from May<br />

to Septer:iber) near the peninsulas of Bose and. San-riku, both on the<br />

1?a,ci.fic side of t'rie island of Ilonshu.<br />

F rom 1948 to 1952 65 goosebeaked<br />

whales were ta,lcen there, 51 being males and 34 females, and<br />

in 1953 36 were taken. 1^iost of t.:ese were animals from 5.5 to 6.4<br />

metres in length.<br />

In a female 658' cm long, i:reiE^hing 2,952-5 kg, the weight of<br />

flesh, blubber, and bones was 2,717 kg.<br />

Porth -Pacific Giant !^ottle-nosed t•Jha.le- (73era.rdius bairdi) 178<br />

The migrations of ti-ïese whales have not been investigated.<br />

',hey are found. in J7.Ywariese waters in winter, but huntinL; of taeri<br />

Û^,reral^.y be^;i.ris in A.^^râ.l, when they aut^roach tue coasts.<br />

Sor:ie of<br />

the a.ni;:.als sta^ t:,ere all su;nc?er, but otIners leave for colder

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