Translation 2783

Translation 2783

Translation 2783


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..... 2 ^^'I<br />

pass through Davis âtra,it, and it is possible that a few may So to<br />

eastern Iceland.<br />

'A change takes place in the diet of the sei whales during<br />

their migration. 'zheir chief dietary item is t11en reci ^;.alc:r.us. ''Tiiey<br />

also eat Lh,ysa.noes.>e inerinis and some oi t:er crustaceans. 4'arious<br />

fish species have been found in -6heir s-comachs, but lauch less often.<br />

Up to the .;.)i•esent their reproduction has not been adequately<br />

5.nvesti^•;ated.<br />

It is known i;he,t m.ttine, ts.ket., -,)lace in winter, from<br />

I'lovember t o ,•.ar.c}'1, witn a pos:^ib7.e peak in January and i'ebruaxy. A<br />

single calf, about 4.4 rsetres in lengtll and vrc.iahin;' almost 650 kg,<br />

is born after almost a year of gestation.<br />

Lactation lasts for about<br />

six months, during wiiich time tile young whale attains a lengtin of<br />

7.5 to 8.0 metres. After a short period oi mixed feeding on milk<br />

and crustaceans) it graduates to an independent diet.<br />

1'lhen sei whales are travelling they move rapidly and seldom<br />

emit snoù.ts. Rfter being unaer water for a long spell they ernit a<br />

few 5pout5, after wllickl they disappear again for ût;vc;ral. minutes.<br />

'rlhen they are feeding they swia;l with the back, and even the front<br />

part of the head, exposed above water.<br />

Sei VliialeC are Swlftly°ilOVinE, ai1l.i:iE'ti:i, and liiielî, alF1I:'nii',d ;,l:ey<br />

may develop a speed of 30 knots, but they travel for only a few lain--<br />

utes at that rate. More often they iilovo at from 15 to 16 içnots, or<br />

more, when danger threa.Tens. It is generally more difi'icult to hùnt<br />

them than -6o hunt other rorquals.<br />

1:urinL^ t,-le years preceding World Wa:r :I., and right up to tue<br />

sC9lnnillt; Of the 19jU 1s, üeJ. whales were hunl;eti more actively t ,-jan<br />

t11Cy are no1d; J2'o111 142 to 05 were taken annually, and in 1J20 the<br />

take was as hir;l't as 510, .ïJurii.g the pex'iod follol•rind ..`orld 1lar II<br />

the most succe3sf'ul. season was -1951,-<br />

267 sei t•rha;.Les were killed;<br />

in mou-c other seasons tne take' fell oelow 100.<br />

.Data on tne take of soi whales are given in jL,ppenuixes 6 ana 11.<br />

';'Î1C Cl''1l.Ùll? Oi^ 3©:L 4Jtlale:i is u:.^r.ti: in v^.l'iou:1 L^r^lllcrieS of<br />

tile food ].T1llLlF^'L].'y<br />

Sk)ecit,ien:i yielCl Ll1i to i,rireL' or four Lletir].C<br />

tune of oil), as cn..7.so is t110ir flesh, Nlllcil is used for botii 11Lt..,£6n<br />

and<br />

animal. foocl,<br />

1,o calcl.tlra.t.ionei of the nuuil)r.z:•rj U.,. soi 1'lIICLLf?:, Lr.wu uf c.:ll llraace,<br />

1>ui; it j.;, uï;l.i.f~veci the A;lca,i.o

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