Translation 2783

Translation 2783

Translation 2783


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348<br />

the species and sex of the whale, its serial number, the number of the<br />

whaling shi.p, etc.<br />

..o x:e,:iove t:,.(, subcuta.l^cous blubber layer, cuts are macle on the<br />

up-per jaw along the rows of baleen to the eyes and the base of the<br />

flippers. ".Longitudinal lateral cuts are also made from the tail to the<br />

level of the flipners; several cuts are made in the peritoneum, along<br />

the ventral grooves.<br />

A slit is made in the blubber layer taken from<br />

the head, and a chain is threaded through it; tue chain is attached to<br />

a rope from a winch located on the su>>erstructure amidships, which pulls<br />

the blubber layer away. At the same time the cutting operator uses a<br />

flensin`^ icnife to cut t_arou ;ki the connective tissue attaching the blubber<br />

layer to the whale' s body.<br />

The o-Derat-or makes a slit in the peritoneurn at the "chint" and<br />

inserts a hook in it, the hooît being attached to a rope from a winch on<br />

the superstructure amidships. The ventral layer of blubber is thts<br />

pulled off the carcass. Then the lower jaw is hitched to the winch in<br />

the central superstructure by means of a s-Pecial strap. The point of<br />

junction of the jaw with the head is cut -through, and the jaw is pulled<br />

of f and ta,?.en to a stearl-driven circular saw for final cutting-up.<br />

^<br />

efore the<br />

of the ^,^ur-Zs to facilitate its removal.<br />

baleen is removed, a cut is made along the inner side<br />

A x^? ^^^is -oa.ssed through that<br />

cut and -ti-ed to the soft baleen tissue, and then to a winch-rope that<br />

passes<br />

-Ghrough a derrick on the stern superstructure, gradually lifting<br />

off the row of baleen. The baleen is thrown overboard.<br />

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