Translation 2783

Translation 2783

Translation 2783


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133<br />

The body length of adult males is up to 250 dm; that of<br />

females 'Ls 160 cm, and - that of new-born pups is 65 cm. The body<br />

weight of adult males is over,500•kg, that of females is 140 kg, -<br />

and that of new-born pups is 9 kg.<br />

The southern sea lion is found aloi the Pacific and Atlantic<br />

coasts of South America (see rig, 29).<br />

On tne Atlantic coast Inere<br />

are colonies of sea lions on the islands of Caronila,. Castillo, ij_o<br />

Grande do Sul, Torres, Lobos, and Las Pipas (on the coast of Uruguay).<br />

It'is also -known that several hundred sea liens live on Torres Island,<br />

which lieu between the islands of Santa Catalina and Rio Grande do<br />

Sul, but farther nortn the animals range only to Sit% _caul() and Rio<br />

de Janeiro.<br />

About 66 sea lion rookeries nave been recorded along,the<br />

coast of Argentina, with a total number of the animals exceeding .<br />

100,000. A lare number of sea lions also live on tue ralkland'<br />

Islands. Sea lions have been recorded in . the Strait of riagellan, on<br />

the coasts of .Tierra del Fuego, and along the Pacific coast in the<br />

Atacama distrIct,,near Cape Concepcion (Talcahuano), on . tne coasts<br />

of Chile and »eru (Chincha islànds), and north as far as Payta.<br />

lions do. not make long migrations Within their range;• only journeys<br />

to their feeding-grounds have been observed.<br />

'i3efore the breeding period sexually-mature sea lions occupy<br />

the most suitable places on the coast and form shore rookeries.<br />

Sea'<br />

Within each such rookery several harems may be established, surrounded<br />

by sexually-immature animais and bachelor males.<br />

of a male and up to ton females.<br />

aoh harem consists<br />

The pups are born soon after the harems are formed; according<br />

to ihe region in which the animals live, ti.e births take place from<br />

the end of December to Lite middle of january, i.e. in summer. A .<br />

female usuall.y produces a single pup. .<br />

While tne females are in the water the pups collect in groups<br />

and form "baby rookeries", where they play and sleep.<br />

At first the<br />

pups stay well away from the water,. but as tney Grow older they become<br />

bolder and soon, with the aid of the females, learn to swim. The<br />

lactation perioa is much prolonGed, and Lite pups make' Lae transition<br />

to an ind(n.endent mode oflife at toe aGo of five or uix months<br />

inc fenales may mate with the males only a few days after<br />

birLh, viLhoutdiscontinuin<br />

.lhe males become<br />

sexually nature ab the age of si:. years, and at toat ago taoir mane

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