Translation 2783

Translation 2783

Translation 2783


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..... 20 6<br />

: r. Là}..^ Je and in the Porto Alexandre region at the<br />

of ,:une, ;i t;i a, rca.l: in :.re ?niC,cle of Ju].y. The first<br />

hutllp-ba.ck i•!h£l,les a3.-,:tL?ear of.:.' the l•.T"rtS^ coast of Australia in June.<br />

The first of them reeach the coast of eastern Australia at the end<br />

of May. They pass ?ieti•r Zealand from ^.Ia.Jr to August, with a peak in<br />

the middle of Ji.i_ne.<br />

The rate of travel of adults during the northward migration<br />

is from two to four knots, and. that of females with calves is 1.5<br />

or two knots. They stay in the breeding areas from 1.5 to 3 months.<br />

Hump-back whales reï::ain in Antarctic waters from three to<br />

five months, fattening in areas of krill concentration; krill forms _<br />

practically thnir sole item of diet, as with other baleen whales.<br />

Only in more northerly regioTls is krill replaced by other species<br />

of Eu??hausiacea.<br />

In the fattenin,;--Y,rounds hu:tip-back whales are found both at<br />

the edge of the ice-field and in the open parts of the sea, even<br />

among numerous icebergs.<br />

They eat five or six times a clay (every<br />

three or four hours). Their stomachs contain from 500 to 750 kg of<br />

food, and sometii:ies even up to 900 or 950 kg. During its sojourn<br />

in Antarctic waters an adult hun,p-bac.k whale cons-ames u,^p to 450<br />

tons of crustaceans.<br />

In winter hump-back whales ap.parently feed much less often<br />

and on smaller amounts of concentra.tion-forming organisms, such as<br />

crustaceans and a few fish species.<br />

There are two races of hump-ba.ck whales in the southern<br />

hemisphere. In the larger race, which includes the South Georgian,<br />

West African, and. East African herds, the males attain se.tiual maturity<br />

at a body length of 11.9 metres, and the females at 12.4 metres.<br />

Hating tak.es place within a relatively short period of time (two or<br />

three months).<br />

Gestation lasts for more than 11 months. The average<br />

length of a new-born calf is 4.7 metres (most are from 4-5 to 4-9<br />

metres). 'l'hey are suckled for about six months. By the end of the<br />

lactation period they have attained a length of eight or nine metres.<br />

Most of the adults mate almost every year, mainlÿ in July and Iiùgllst.<br />

The hump-back whales of the Australia-Yew Zealand-Peru ^;rou1i<br />

bccome sexually mature at the folloi.rin{, minimum body lengths; :Aa les<br />

11.2 metres, females 11.7 metres.

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