Translation 2783

Translation 2783

Translation 2783


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The Zraksa water, whic'r? has a temperature of 90 --95 C,<br />

i.u:q--,)ed into the vacuum-a-o-paratus and stirred. The temperature durin;<br />

that n^ocess iû 00 0 C, and taie vacuum is not more than 600 mri of .nercury.<br />

1,'ithin 24 hours u?) to 14 tons of concentrated soup i s obtainec-, with a<br />

dry-matter content of up to 50'd., as compared with 9i to 12;:: in the<br />

original L^,raksa wa ter.<br />

The freezingoî meat and liver in the factory--si7ips takes place<br />

in freezers with a capacity of 94 tons a day, the temperature of the<br />

blocks of meat be:i-ng, -18 0 C.<br />

The freezing apparatus may consist of up<br />

to four lines, each line containing -ben or eleven Y-•apid-freezing• units.<br />

.ach unit has a se i;arate unloaai r.E; hatch connected wit't. a regulator--panel.<br />

An unloading trolley has 12 divisions, for successive delivery of a block<br />

of frozen meat or liver i•reibhine 36-38 kg from each division.<br />

The meat is frozen in a vertically--divided brine-type freezing<br />

apparatus, which also contains 12 divisions. Cold brine passes through<br />

the hollow partitions of the apparatus, ensurin:; that the block of meat<br />

is frozen to --15o C in three or four hours. Before the blocks axe taken<br />

out a..warra solution is circulated, thawing the surface of the blocks so<br />

that they are easily unloaded on to t,ie unloading trolley.<br />

A,ripper, consisting of a movable frame w.i:l.-'ri two _claws, takes<br />

the blocks and packs them into receptacles in a transporter. The latter<br />

;lazinb tunnel, where they are sprinkled with cold fresh<br />

takes tllem to ap<br />

water, forming ag1aze up to 1 mrn thick on them.<br />

The blocks so prepared, which measure 800 x 500 x 100 i:im, move<br />

on to a work-bench where they are packed in kraft paper from four to six<br />

layers thick, weighed, marked, and sent to the hold to be kept at a<br />

ter,iperati_re not hic,;her than 18 0 C.<br />

.,3efore üeinp, sent to the freezer tiie meat is freed from dirt,<br />

blubber, and large veins. ï ieces of ineat weighing from 20 to 30 kg are<br />

loaded into a bin, where they are t•rashed. in flowing sea-water. The meat<br />

-passes alon^; ahfil. conveyor belt to a meat-cut'ter, from which it emerûes<br />

in -ni eces t•rei&,,i n^, from 0.1 to 1.5 k9; tizese ^;o first to a filling bunker<br />

and then to a distributing bunker; after that tney are conveyed by a<br />

worm-screi%r to a loading trolley.<br />

a ccori:e-tce 1".ith a teci^nolo"•i-ca•1 schedule.<br />

The whole process is carried out in

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