Translation 2783

Translation 2783

Translation 2783


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cephalopods.<br />

..... 1^)<br />

;aiid and,jrravel are often found in t1ieir .,to:aachs.<br />

The s-oecific co:n_)osition of their diet has not been adequatiLely investiC;a:ted..<br />

Juvenile elet)hant seals :ubsiot for a,bout a mon-uh on<br />

their accumulated fat j:eserves after tra,tisition to an independent<br />

mode of life, and tnen. begin to eat small crustaceans.<br />

It is believed that tue natural c4iemies of elephant seals<br />

Szâis<br />

may include su_--a leopardn, which prey on tne young pups, and also<br />

killc.r wha.le:i.<br />

I.a,tural mortality may reach a hiEh level (up to 50^,)<br />

among new-born elepha.nt scal pupo as' a recuit of crt.l::hi.ng by adult<br />

males, starvation, or various diseases. Thirteen helminth sï.)ecies<br />

parasitize the internal organs of the seals (intestines, stomach,<br />

heart, and lungs) and also their layers of fat.<br />

The most intensive hunting of elephant sealü formerljr took<br />

place on South Georgia Island. After fur seals had been exterminated<br />

on that island the killing of elephant seals gs.eatly increased, and<br />

by 1885 their numbers were seriously reduced. 'r,hen the 1.untinCr of<br />

them was prohibited the population recovered rapidly, and by 1910 it<br />

had at;ai.n rea.clied an economic level. i;estrï.ctcd hun-Ling of elephant<br />

seals i•ra,s re--introduce(I in that year, witl-i the issue of special lic--<br />

enccs to '._ill a<br />

definite nu:iber of r?a1es; different 1),:.1•tq of a rookery<br />

are to be used alternately for hunting tiie animals, and some<br />

parts remain prohibited; tne dates of the opon season are fixed from.<br />

March 1 to ï;ovember 1. The killinC,^ of females and pups is i'orbidden.<br />

extènt to which elephant seals were s].auün-uered during<br />

the 20th cen ^ur.y may be ,,athered from some scattered da La. i'rdi:t 1927<br />

to 19,15 1Q5,000 elephant seals were killed on :,out; ►<br />

Ceor^•,•ia Island;<br />

the lowest :zill in one year was 3,989 in 19^;2, and. the highest during<br />

that period was 6,652. The h:i.C;'hest uecorded kill in any year was<br />

7,877 in 19517 out of a limit of 0,000; in 19;2 6,000 were killed.<br />

We do not have data for later years at our disposal.<br />

The rno:ct populous elepiia.:.t seal roakei•,, is L,tra,t or_ ',:',outn<br />

Geor,.;ia Island, i-rhere there a_ e 51Ca,000; rookeries are located<br />

on Kerguelen Island i,100,000) and r;acqua.x•ie Island ^.;.5,000j. It is<br />

believe^i<br />

the tnti-.l tiumber of tttare an.i,,.a:l.s in ril:l. o Lncr parts<br />

of ulh:?ir ran,^,,,e is util'J. about 100,000. ;;il. to,tal nui.luer of eJ.eplia.nt<br />

r.eals in ^a].1 retrioios is estimated at b^,cween bv0,Gu0 and 700,000.<br />


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