Translation 2783

Translation 2783

Translation 2783


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..... 132<br />

The harem rookeries break, up in the middle of February. After matinj;<br />

the females continue to suckle their young, and they remain with tuera<br />

until the latter learn to swim and to procure t)-)eir own food inde--<br />

pendently. The duration of the moultin;^ period is unknown. The<br />

principal items in the fur seals' diet are cepha,loçods, severa7. species<br />

of large crustaceans, . and various species of non-economic f islies<br />

i ri'h;rrsites, C?.r.ella, etc . ) .<br />

The stocks of i.ew Zealand fur seal s were seriously depleted<br />

at the end of the '1£3th century and the beginning of the 19th, when<br />

seal-hunters took some hundreds of thousands of them every year.<br />

About 1840 . the number of the seails Wtis so much reduced that tney -were<br />

no longer of conmr_iercial interest.<br />

At prescrit tue killing of these<br />

seals is totally prohibited. It is believed that ,he present number<br />

of New Zealand fur seals is at least 50,000.<br />

Southern Sea Lion (Otaria byr..oriia Llainville, 1 620) -)<br />

n According to Rice and Scheffer (1968) , trie scientific name<br />

of the sout;ierii sea lion is Otar.ia flavo scens ( Shaw, 1F300) .<br />

The basic colour of the Iliale soutiiern üo-a, lion is dark--brown,<br />

the bell;r bein„ li^hter ( darlc-^yel.low) . 'l'hE?r^: is a l.i.^•)^t-br.o^-n I;i^.ne<br />

on the head of ,;he inale ( Fig. 34).<br />

The females also are of a darkbrown<br />

colour, but the upper part of the head and neck has a yellow<br />

tinge, and the back is dark-yellow.<br />

Some animals with ligh-t;er colourin;;<br />

appear among both the males and the females. ijew•-born pups<br />

have black fur, but. later it becomes dark-choçolate in colour, and<br />

at the end. of the first year of life the juveniles have acquired a<br />

yellowish--br.ovin colour.<br />

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}'ip;. ; [^ . Ol.l l;iie7'Yl l7e^.-l 11o11..

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