Translation 2783

Translation 2783

Translation 2783


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..... t.15<br />

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46. I^rylov, V. I. Present status of the stocks of racific<br />

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47. I, rylov, V. I., Fed.oseev, G. A:, and. Shustov, A. P. Pinnipedes<br />

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48. 1.1arakov, S. V. Fresent status of the Komandorskie Islands<br />

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In: I•Ia,r7.ne ï•^armna,ls, "Nauka" Press, 19u5.<br />

49. I-Tiarakov, S. V. Data on the ecology of the harbour seal in<br />

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50. -Korsiltyn, K. I. ^'echnological characteristics of the harp<br />

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51. Hoska.lenko, B . K. The ringed. seal in the Sea of Pechora<br />

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52. Wazarenko, Yu. I. Reproduction of ringed seals in Cheshskaya<br />

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53. E-azarenko, Yu. I. Diet of ringed seals in the ï:]uropean<br />

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54. ».-ikolaev, A. M. Status of the populations of sea otters<br />

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I<br />

^,.<br />

I<br />

In. i^^arine I•^amnals, "Kauka't Press, 1965.<br />

55. 1 ikulin, P. G. Present status 'and prospects of increase<br />

of the fur seal uopulation in the 1;omanc:orskie Islands. 'i'.r. VY;IRO, Vol.<br />

68 -- Izv. `^'Ii::I:O, Vol. 62, 1968.<br />

56. Ognev, S. I. 14ammals of the USSR and Adjacent Countries,<br />

Vol- 3, Izd. Al ad. 1.?_,Uk JSÛlI• N.Oscot9-•Tenin,_;raw, 1935.<br />

57. Pastukhov, IT. D. AutLU^]n and early winter distribution of<br />

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5,. .^^astu^^hov, T. D. l`feti70CL of 11U.i1er7 Cal CEIISL1Si]1:; of Lake<br />

i^ t-,1 ::erI.1.N r r ^^ÿ ,:<br />

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). 'al-no 1io65 .

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