Translation 2783

Translation 2783

Translation 2783


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N<br />

277<br />

were 1,583 kg and 2,012 kg respectively, and that of a male 6.5<br />

- metros in length was 5,270 kg. ,<br />

Dall's Porpoise (Phocoenoides dalli) 181<br />

Dallis porpoises are found both in the open sea and in<br />

coastal waters. On the coast of America these porpoises are seen<br />

in Lower California waters from October to June. In summer their<br />

numbers increase farther north, particularly in the British Columbia<br />

region and in the Gulf of Alaska. 'Ihey approach different parts of<br />

the coast of Asia in pursuit of shoals of fishes. Migrations in<br />

pursuit of salmon heading for their spawning-grounds are observed.<br />

Their diet consists mainly of various species of cephalopods,<br />

and to a lesser extent of fishes (capelin, herring, horse-mackerel,<br />

etc.). In an ocennarium they consume from 15 to 20 kg of mackerel •<br />

and horse-mackerel each per day.<br />

The females attain sexual maturity at a body length of about<br />

170 cm, and the males at 185 cm, at the age of three years or more.<br />

Mating takes place in summer. The duration of gestation is slightly<br />

less than a year. The embryo, which develops only in the left horn<br />

of the uterus (the right ovary remains in the sexually-immature<br />

condition) is about 100 cm long before birth. Birth takes place<br />

from the middle of July to the first ten days of August. A female<br />

embryo 77.5 cm long weighed 7.3 kg..<br />

Both small groups of a few Dail's porpoises and herds of<br />

some hundreds of the animals may be observed at sea. They readily<br />

approach ships, and follow them at a speed of more than 11 knots<br />

(sometimes up to 20 knots).<br />

There is no special hunting for Dall's poroises. Japanese<br />

fishermen in salmon-fishing fleets operating in the Bering Sea and<br />

farther south (to the east and southeast of Kamchatka, between 46 °<br />

and 60 ° If, as far as 175 ° W) are said to take up to 10,000 (!)<br />

from their nets every year and to throw almost all of them back<br />

into the sea without making any use of them ..<br />

The weight of adult males measuring from 172-to 210 cm is<br />

from 93 to 150 kc, and that of females measuring from 176 to 190<br />

cm is from 100 to 135 kg.

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