Translation 2783

Translation 2783

Translation 2783


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• • 222<br />

parasites include various helminths in the stomach, the intestines,<br />

the kidneys, and-otner organs.<br />

The diseases of hump-back whales, like those of other baleen<br />

whales, are Practically uninvestigated.<br />

U.'he modern whaling industry began to make use of hump-back<br />

whales in the 1680's off the stast of Norway, mhere auout 1,500 of<br />

these animals were taken during 24,seasons. rrom 1910 on the annual<br />

take was 21 or 22 whales. There was a considerable increase in. the<br />

talcs from 1921 to 1927, when front 55-96 up to 141-155 humn-back wnales<br />

were taken in all. areas in a season. During the post-war period not<br />

more than ten or twelve have been taken in a seasen, except tnat in<br />

• 1951 the take rose to 40 hump-back whales.<br />

Data on the take are given in AppendiX 6,<br />

The chief products.are edible oil, of wnich up to five or six<br />

metric tons are obtained from a single whale, and meat, .which is uSed<br />

ho feed animals •n fur-farms and also as human food.<br />

No census of the stocks of hump-back wnales has been taken,<br />

and . tneir numbers are unknown . , The taking of tném has been prohibited •<br />

since 1959, a measure that shoUld help to restore their numbers.<br />

•<br />

•<br />

Blue Whale Ulialaenolitera musculus)<br />

Blue whales arrive in .Debruary and march on the Banks of Newfoundland,<br />

from which they may move by two routes use° Appendix 17).<br />

6Ome of them make• for mavis Strait and the coasts of'southern Greenland,<br />

where they remain until october or Lovemaer,<br />

The route-of.the remainder splits in two. Some of trient move<br />

to • the nortneast, and during the period.from Nay to August pas near<br />

Iceland and Jan Nayen island, reaching tne Norwegian coast and being<br />

observed as. far east as i,evaya Zemlya.<br />

At tne same time other blue<br />

whales are observed in tue Geitzbergen-region unostly between 70 0 ana<br />

.76 ° . 1.4). As thc,. ice retreats 0..e. during the period - :r.om July to<br />

September inclusive) tnawaales advance to higher latitudes. ;_nother<br />

im2our moves to te east, and even to the soutner.st, from Apri,1 ta<br />

june,.and approaches the coasts of Ireland and the neurides.<br />

In Aniolst and ,;e 1Y;.ember, when tue revelse miration'fro.a the<br />

nortnern nnd no rtneasbern ;nr - n of tile Atlantic beins,olue wnales<br />

.appear near I ,'elDna RIA:t 111,2 Faeroe Tnuy ai)pear on -LA: coas -u<br />

or Newfoundland in October and. ..ovember.

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