Translation 2783

Translation 2783

Translation 2783


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nur.tbers are not high. âot!te 'foreii;n investigators suggest that an,<br />

ap.pro--Utsate figure for the stocks of these seals t:liE^ht be between a<br />

tIlin].1'tllll ^<br />

of 200,000 and. a maximum of 500,000. In 196'1 and 1960 Australian<br />

investigators made counts of the seals on pack-ice and fast<br />

ice in the western part of i,oss Sea, in the re,ior! fro:.i ricllurdo Sound<br />

to Cape Adare, using. al, ice-breaker and a helicopter. Tire majority<br />

of the ;;ea1s wore counted on fcast ice, and smaller nüulbE:rs on pack-ice.<br />

.l.-'ma tltoc;e counts the total number of the seals in 1:ilaL part of nous<br />

Sea was estimated at about 50,000.<br />

At present theie is no widespread huntinL of '.lecldell's seals<br />

or of other species of Antarctic seals. The at_itnals are taken only<br />

by research or6anizatiorls eollc>>ctint; scientific ma-rerial.<br />

Crab-eater Seal<br />

(Lobodon carcinopha[.-,us Hombron and Jacquinot, 1642"<br />

The colour of this seal varies according to the season of the<br />

year.<br />

In spring the adults a:-ce covered with silvery-white hair.,<br />

which causes thetu : ometilttes to be called "white seals". That Colour<br />

is temporary.<br />

Luring the rnoulting period the hair colour changes,<br />

dari:cninand becorning gre,yis'riwbroorn; there are rin;;--l,i.lcP spots of<br />

various shapes on the sides and shoulclers; tue lower part of the body<br />

has a pale-yellow tinge (Fig." 36). That colour persis-us throughout<br />

the su:i.tor and autumn months, but gradually fad,:^s, especially in'<br />

w:i.riter, and by the seals have again acquired c' ûeau-L:i.ful sil--<br />

very colour, 'l'hc: embryonic hair of neti•r--bôrn pups is soft, fluffy;<br />

and greyish-brown.<br />

After moulting the pups assume adu11; colouring.<br />

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he body iloiC-.,1t of Ll.e aaA.t:, is il,) to 230 ;;.;, ai.d Llle t•teif,•!!t of -t:l,e<br />

ililie with b7.ul-ber :!;; to ^>0 k^^•. :.uw--c;orit lnlp:-, are .1.,G c.,l in len^;th<br />

dailt t/6'l,:;ll 11'O.1 .i^li<br />

to 2^) ku.

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