Translation 2783

Translation 2783

Translation 2783


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the Caspian<br />

112<br />

have long, soft hair of .a light greenish-yellow<br />

colour: After five or six days the yellowish tint disappears and<br />

'the fur acquires a Whito colour .with a barely-noticeable •creamytinge.<br />

i.à)ulting of the embryonic coat begins when the pups are two weeks<br />

old. The moult lasts for about three Weeks..<br />

The lactation period lasts for about three weeks; tne females<br />

usually give•up suckling -<br />

their pups when the latter complete the<br />

moult of their embryonic coat. .Suckling has been observed both by<br />

day-and by nicht.<br />

As a result of frequent and plentLful feeding the<br />

pups grow rapidly. Dy the end of the lactation period they are 85 cm .<br />

long and weigh 14.5 kg, their body length having increased by approx,. .<br />

imately 20;i; and their weight having tripled.<br />

The subcutanecius fat<br />

layer is practically absent in new-born pupe; the average weight of.<br />

their hides with fat attached is about 2.5 kg, increasing .te 5.0 kg<br />

in .a moulting whitecoat and to 12 kg after the moultis completed.<br />

During the lactation period the females climb out on the ice<br />

only.periodically to feed the pups, spending all the rest of the<br />

daylight hours in the water.<br />

Thus there is only a relatively-small<br />

number of females on the ice at one time, which makes it difficult<br />

to carry out an aerial censuG of the seals in the pupping rookeries.<br />

.At the end of the lactation period (in late February Or early<br />

March) the females leave the pups, which then change over to an independent<br />

mode of life. • Tile time when the pups take to the water<br />

depends nàt only on the moult of their embryonic coats but also on<br />

the extent of break-up of the ice and on the air temperature.<br />

In years Of normal ice conditions most of the young seals<br />

finally•leave the ice in the first half of :.larch.<br />

Vith the approach of the mating period tne males•begin active<br />

invasion of the pupping territory, ad at the beginning of th'e second .<br />

ten days of February and especially at the end of that month fibhts<br />

between Males and.pursuit of females are observed. .2he seals divide<br />

up into -pairs, which are to be oeen.both on the ice and in the water.<br />

In the majority of the sesls the rut ceases L'y t e end of the firut<br />

ton days of larch. GesLation lasts for about 11 monLh13. he fomàies<br />

first begin to reproduce ai 1 - 0 al:,e<br />

of five yehrs, but the majority<br />

of theliro mot'yt active in lia Ling and produclin youn when they are six<br />

or i:even years •I:he males become se:mally mature at the :Igo of<br />

SIX or seven years.<br />

•<br />

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