Translation 2783

Translation 2783

Translation 2783


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Pile, H. Paenpocrpauctntc as;t;:aTlt trca:nrv u T{LCnOKCalI.. ;n'o<br />

Mup.ra.<br />

Fig. 14. Ranges of Atlantic and. r'a.cific walruses.<br />

ICey: 1) Bering Sea. 2) USSR. 3) East Siberic).n Sea. 4) L^ptev<br />

Sea. 5) -North 1-'o1e. 6) Barents Sea.. '() Greenland :;ea.<br />

8) Greenland. 9) Baffin Bay. 10) Hudson Bay.<br />

Kara, a.n6i. Laptev See.s they usually begin to form shore rookeries in<br />

A ut;ust.<br />

They leave tliem in mid.--Ûctober when intensive formation of<br />

fast ice be ;in:; on the shore, ai-id move to drift-ice, on wtiich they<br />

spencl some time lon,,,:,^er in the feeding districts.<br />

tne fast ice<br />

forms wide off-shore expanses the walruses raove to d.eeper water.<br />

Data about the distribution of walruses au.rinE late winter<br />

and spring are very sc^nt,y. During that period of trie year they stay<br />

in water of moder,•itc, c et,-tli.<br />

In the L^-iptEv 'Sc!,-i, for i.ri:stance, they<br />

do not trrtvol 1'fi.r. from the places whore they !.'c,rmc.cl vooi:eries in<br />

autumn, antl they usually :;ta,y in the centx.•a.7. ,,^iri; of the sea and in<br />

waters was'ri:in,; the northeostern and northwestern pri.rt:; of tue I!ovoof<br />

K1tol•.liov .f ::J -md, in tiic xe_,io11 of .l3crtnet<br />

si_bir::k 1:.-O.nnds.<br />

^hey have been absit:rved irt 1•1,,.rckr a,tçi. north 44<br />

eltrâ.c t.1ta, and i.otel' nyi<br />


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