Translation 2783

Translation 2783

Translation 2783


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07.^ THE ARCTIC OCEAt`;<br />

JAN 15 1974<br />

The region â.iscussed here consists of the waters of the<br />

Pacific"'`C>'cean north of the Y^;qua.tor, and also the East Siberian,<br />

Chukchi, and Beaufort Seas.<br />

species-composition of the cetaceans that were formerly,<br />

'i'he<br />

or are now, hunted in this region is similar to that of the North<br />

Atlantic anc. Arctic Oceans and of the entire southern heniisphere,<br />

except for grey whales.. In this region more use is made of the<br />

products of the stocks of small cetaceans (Delptiinidae of various<br />

species, com::1on blackfish, killer whales., beakec. whales, etc.)-<br />

11<br />

he roz^imary quarry of whaling ships under sail consisted of<br />

snerm whales and right whales in the temperate and warm zones of<br />

the Pa cific Ocean. Grey whales also were hunted. on both sides of<br />

163<br />

the ocean.<br />

At the end. of the first half of the 19th century whalers<br />

},àg-a„ to hunt right whales in the Sea of Okhotsk and the Bering Sea,<br />

and within two or three decades they had -pra.etically exterminated<br />

these animals there.<br />

At the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century<br />

the Jaranese began more intensive hunting of whales off the coasts<br />

of Japan and Korea. Coastal whaling stations arose in the U. S.A.<br />

(California, Alaska, etc.), Canada (Vancouver Island), and several<br />

other countries.<br />

LTntil 1941 not more than three pela,^,ic S•rhaling• flotillas<br />

otiera,ted at the same time in any year, During that period the' whales<br />

ta.ke?i were mostly fin whales, sei whales, srer-m whales, and sometimes<br />

hmmv-ba.ck whales.<br />

The situation changed. substantially after 1951, ;-ihen -- in<br />

addition to the Soviet Aleut flotilla -- Japanese flotillas began<br />

In some seasons as many as seven flotillas i•rere enE;aged<br />

to onexate.<br />

During the 1969 season three Soviet flotillas (in 1970, two)<br />

there.<br />

ope.rated. in the nort'iac,rr_ part cif ti'-e Pacific Ocean, as well as eigl-it<br />

Ja»anese coasta.l s-ta.Uons and th-ree Japanese flotillas, and one 1rnerican<br />

coastal station in California. with 82 whaling vessels. The^,^^,1 ^, ,<br />

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