Translation 2783

Translation 2783

Translation 2783


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...... 298<br />

the f.irst sei I-•;}rales are observed south of 50 0 S as early as December.<br />

!t'he ïirst to axrive ii ^.n;;arctic waters are prenant fe,lla.les•., then<br />

come males and unmated females; and. finally, lactating fei:.a les and<br />

young calves. i:ot all of the i•rhales, however, t.,o to. ni.g:ll latitudes.<br />

Many of ti:em find favourable conditions (as the resul.ts of whaling<br />

prove) in the-zone of the forties (400 S to 450 S)° There are also,<br />

it appears, areas where lactating females with their calves, juveniles,<br />

and even females that have just commenced reproduction stay<br />

(e.g. the Falkla.nd Islands region).<br />

:Cn<br />

winter sei whales are found both in open parts of the<br />

ocea.n and .in coastal waters.<br />

On the basis of whaling statistics, ta;oing data, -and. obser--<br />

vations we may d.istin.guish herds of sei whales analogous to those<br />

of fin *•,Thales.<br />

he e1xistence of herds does not e_ clude the -aossi--<br />

bility of whales .lovi.ng from certain fattening.-•g'rounds to others<br />

located near theXn<<br />

The chief item of the diet of sei whales in knta.rct:i.c waters<br />

Their diet in the zone from 4.0° to 450 S has been found<br />

is krill.<br />

to include the krill Euphausia_ valentini, Calanus tonsus, and other<br />

erustacecans. The we-<br />

IC;ht of their stomach contents reaches 300-4.00<br />

kg or even 500 kg. 1,1hi7_e the ti,i.lales are living in i;•arm waters the<br />

dietary spectrum is more varied, and includes a number of s_oecies<br />

of Copepoda and T,upha.usiacea.<br />

Sei whales eat less actively in the<br />

coastal zone, where their sto^lachs usually contain not more than<br />

50 or 60 kg of food.<br />

Off tize coasts of South Africa male sei whales attain sexual<br />

niaturity at an average body length of 13.6 metres (from 11.6 to 14.3<br />

r^ctres;, with the weight of the testes being 3.0 k9, and fema.les at<br />

a le-nuth of 13.;'-14.0 metres* in Sectors IT]. and IV of the Antarctic<br />

the corresponding figures are 12.9 to 13.2 metres for males and 13.a<br />

to 13-9 rnetres for females.,° in Sectors V and VI the average l(:nbths<br />

a.:^°e<br />

sornc^•rhat greater -- 1^.25-°13. 3 iae l;res for males and 14-0-1411 .2<br />

metres for fer:la.les,<br />

.0he mating of sei whales takes place fro

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