Translation 2783

Translation 2783

Translation 2783


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. .<br />

have a mane, and their colour Is paler than that of the adults , .<br />

especially on the neck. -<br />

yellowish-brow n.<br />

135<br />

The adults are deep-brown on 'the babk and<br />

on the aides and belly.<br />

•hese pinnipedes 'inhabit the south coast of Australia.from<br />

the Houtman district on the west to . Kan(aroo'Island on the east usee<br />

Fig. 53).<br />

In the western part of their range they are found in the<br />

Recherche Archipelago as well as in tne Houtman district in the east •<br />

they are found in the Luyts Archipelago and investigator and Langaroo<br />

Islands.<br />

They do not make long mit!:rations, goint; only a few miles<br />

out to sea in search of food. .<br />

Many problems relating to the biology of Australian sea lions -<br />

have not been adequately investigated.<br />

sea lions come up.on shore and the males form harems.<br />

centains four or five females.<br />

concludes at the beginning of December.<br />

efore the 'AIDS are 'corn the<br />

ia.ch harem<br />

l'arturition begins in ùctober and<br />

A female usually prodUces<br />

a single pup, which is cinnamon-brown in colour. I:ore- detailed information<br />

about the parturition period is lacking. Apparently, as<br />

with South American sea lions, the principal food iteMs are fishes,<br />

cephalopods, and penguins.<br />

• Some investigators estimate the number of Australian sea lions<br />

at approximately 10,000.<br />

Apparently measures for conserving sea lion<br />

stocks are applied in all shore rookeries on the Australian south Coast..<br />

.New Zealand Sea Lion (Fleophoca hookeri Gray, 4884)*<br />

* According to Rice and. -Scheffer, i'hocarctos hookeri (Gray, 1844f.<br />

The maximum body length of adult male Lew Zealand sea liens<br />

does not exceed 300 cm, and that of females is 180 cm. Sexuallymature-<br />

males are of a dark-brown colour; the hairs of the mane are<br />

long and are of a lighter shade.<br />

The females are light-brown,. Newborn<br />

pups are cOvered with soft, chestnut-brown hair. •<br />

The range is restricted tà a few islands in the New Zealand<br />

region, These sea lions occur in the Auckland Islands, where breeding<br />

colonies have been aocorded in Larley . Day; oh Endersy island, Tile<br />

Snares, (Jampbell Island, and more southerly 'islanos.<br />

fta lions also<br />

visit p,acqunriu loland. Jhoy forum shore rool:ories on sand-banks at a<br />

disLance from the water-line, among shrubs and herbage. .<br />

Narge mature males are the firht ,to . appear in tue rookeries,<br />

and by the bec:inni.?. of (,ctober they are occubyin<br />

their harem<br />

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