Translation 2783

Translation 2783

Translation 2783


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The usual longth of members of this iamily is two or three<br />

Tne tres, and they are seldom as much as seven or eight m'tres. long.<br />

:.'he body has a. well-streâ.m-li.ned form. 'Ale dorsal lin t,if<br />

any) is located abou-6. -tne centre of tho body. The caudal fin has a<br />

conspicuous notch between the flukes, j.here are no -rooves on the<br />

throat.<br />

The blow--hole slit is horse-shoe-shaped, witn the convexity<br />

to the rear, and lies on the top of the head. '.i'he ùpiier and lower<br />

jaws are provided witri a large number of tee-th ^teeth are lacking in<br />

the tipper jaw only in the grey dolphin, or tFiere are not more than<br />

two, as in the nart•rhal). ^'l'ranslator' s Eote: ^j.,iTe -Ûrey d.olphin- is<br />

not mentioned alSain in the text or listed in Appendix 5-)<br />

This family includes animals differing widely in their<br />

characte.'eistics, and therefore mai-,.y attempts have buen made to divide<br />

it into a number of independent families. Up to. the present, however,<br />

agreement on that point has not been r.eached.<br />

'Gem.rs Delphin^.ntex^.^s Lacepi:de, 1 f30zt ^White Whale)<br />

This genus contains only one species.<br />

-White whale or iieluga ^])el^^hinc,nterue leuca.s î:allas, 1776)<br />

.The white whale attains a length of seven metres. The head<br />

is small, rounded in sha,.e, without a beak, with asnort oral opening<br />

and a conspicuous frontal fatty bulge (Fig. 59). ï.t 'is senarated by<br />

a cervical constriction from the elon!;ated trunk, which is large in<br />

the region of the pectora.l girci.:l.e and E;raduall.y tapers towa.rds the<br />

tail. '.t.he caudal section is la.tei•ally com, rtsÛed and ends i1i horizontal<br />

flukes, the spread of which is equal to 25,-., of t,le boay lèneth.<br />

The entire body of the animal is encloscd in "ari:Tour-plate't<br />

-- much-thickened epidermis. TiTere is no dorsal fin, but in its place<br />

thare is :ometirnes a. sraallcut4-cular crest.<br />

inc •broad ïlipL:er.s are<br />

from onc-tontl'1 to one-eigh'th of the bon.y lene'th; ti;. they are of a,<br />

roiinded.--oval<br />

rear ed6;e.<br />

but tiTC: front edge is :Arai^;hter tr.nri Liu ciirved<br />

Its shape changes with the aL(,e of ttTC ^animal.<br />

.C he uA7. per ,jaw contains from 14 to 22 teeth, ana tlle lower jaw<br />

fxom 12 to 22, the total b6iTiL, from 26 to rG0<br />

^ic teet:, oie simple<br />

and }'''f ^l7.}ïe, I1't) cm lon^. ^LYICI 1.a^-'I •^ C:.1 in Û1 ::E?'tCZi but ..:1.^f of ^lclT<br />

-<br />

tootn i.:, :allll•: in t..o alveolu;.;<br />

As the tee111. c,J' l:..c: li^l: c:a• r,.l,u lower

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