Translation 2783

Translation 2783

Translation 2783


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430<br />

o<br />

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1 51 . Al a c k i n t o s 11 N. A. Estimates of local seal populations in the Antarctic<br />

1930.37. Norsk Hvalf. Tici., 56, 1967. •<br />

152.<br />

M a n s f i e I d A. W. The breedir . ,,.., e ,...., `-'1av'onr . _ c ard . reproductive c:y. cl e of the<br />

i Wed dell 1.se al. Fall:I. Is!. D,-e. Survey. Sci. Rep., 18, 1958.<br />

_.<br />

M a n s f i e I d A W. The wadus<br />

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in the Canadian Arctic. Fish. Res. Bd. of<br />

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1 n4 . M a n s f 1 e 1 d A. W. Seals or Arctic and Eastern Canada. Fish. Res., Bd. .<br />

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155. M a n s f i e 1 1 A W. The gre.y seal in eastern Canadian waters. Can. Auditi<br />

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1 56 . Ma x we I I Ci. Se ls of the World. B•aston. Houghton Mifflin, 1957.<br />

AI to- ' 1 o w B.<br />

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•<br />

Matir.ir<br />

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p.1. .., lta)/ „.. •<br />

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1 58 . M c L a r e n J. A. Some aspects of zrowth and reproduction of the Bearded<br />

t seal. J. Fish. Res. Bd. of Canada. 16. (-)), 1-958.<br />

159. ,M e I., ? r e n J. A. The bioloqy of the Ringed seal in the Eastern Canadian<br />

: • . A:ctic. Bull. Fish. Res. Bd. Canadra, 18, 1956.<br />

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** 1 60. ' . M o h r E. Die Robben der Europaischen Gewasser. Monogr. der Wild. sail-<br />

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161. N i s h i w a k i M . Nagasaki F. Seals of the Japanese coastal waters.<br />

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• 62 . N i s b i w a k i M. Distribution ana migration ,-,- of marine mammals in the<br />

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163. C ! d s .f. Al. ,,i,tes on the hood s ' al. Manunalogy. 31, 1950.<br />

* 16A. 0 r i t s 1 a n 1 "!. Klapprnyss. FaunA, Oslo, 12, 1959. •<br />

-x. 165- 0 r i t s 1 a n d T. Kiapprnysshunnens forplantningsbiologi. Fisken og Haven.<br />

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1 6. 0 r i t s 1 a n cl T. Biolc:gy and Population D ■,-nainics of Antarctic Seals. An-<br />

, Wale Ecolog.y. vol. I, Loudon -- New York, 1970..<br />

167 0 r i t s 1 a n c T. Sealing and seal Research in the South - \V( Atldntic<br />

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168. Antarctic Ecel:-.;gy, vol. I, London -- New York, 1970.<br />

* 1 0 n e s A. P. Sei pa norskeLyst e n fra Finiunark id More. Fiskeu og Havet, •<br />

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69 .<br />

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1:70. P e t e r s .o n R 1 c It a r d S., II u h b s C a r 1 L. The Guadalupe im e‘.1.<br />

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171. P i k e G. C. Food of the Northern sea lion. Fish. Res. BD. of Canada,<br />

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1 72 . R a n d R. W. The Cap fur sea l (Arctocephalus pusillus), es general characteritics<br />

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1 7 3 . R a s ru u s s e n B. Explota Son and protection Of East Greenland seal herds. .<br />

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*<br />

174. R a s m n s s e n B. Klappmyssena tilderfordelini i Danmarkssh•edet. Fiskets<br />

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175-. 'Ra e m u s s e n a and Ô r i t s la n d T. Norwegian tagging or harp seals<br />

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1 76 . R i c e D.- W. :r1:1 S h r.:f f e r V. E. A list or the Alarinae Mammals ...)f the.<br />

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177. R L C. The ez.ology ni .Antarctic szals. Antarcl, Y. V. S., 1 (4) ; I9G .<br />

178. S c h e f i e r V. B. Sels, sea Lions and warlruses. Standford University<br />

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19M.<br />

179. Se r g e a n t D. E. Harp seals and the sealing indasiry. Canadian Audubon,<br />

25, 1963.<br />

180 • S e r g e a n t D. E. Expl..nation and conservation of harp and hood szals. The<br />

Polar Record, vol. 12. 80, 1964.<br />

* 164. Oritsland, T. The,hooded seal. Fauna, Oslo, 12, 1959.<br />

165. Oritsland, T. Reproductive biology of the female hooded<br />

seal. Fisken og Havet, 1, 1964. .<br />

169. unes, A. P The seal on the Korwegian coast from Finmark<br />

to M5re. Fisken og Havet, 5, 1964.<br />

174. Rasmussen, B. Age distribution of the hooded seal in<br />

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Jienmark Strait. Fiskets Gang, 5, 1962.<br />

'<br />

** 160. F.ohr, E. Seals in .,:;uropean waters. Monogr. der Wild.<br />

saugetiere, 12, 1962. -<br />


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