Translation 2783

Translation 2783

Translation 2783


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Faeroe and F,)hetland Islands: Later they move nortilnorieast.,<br />

soon appear near Medvezhii Island and Spitzbereen. Some go east as,<br />

far a:s Novaya. Zerilya, or are seen off tiie P^urma.n t,;oast.<br />

The reverse migration ben-ir_s in au.tui:tn, althou-h. so,;ie ;;roups<br />

have been seen in open waters off northern Eox:way in January, rebr.ù--<br />

ary, and March. In Povember and Lece„iber the iiunil)-i».ck whales arrive<br />

at their winte:cin,t;--grounds.<br />

Those of the 1•lesu Atlantic hes:d. winter<br />

in the: region of the Antilles ana Bahamas and adjacent waters<br />

In ApI^â.l huTu}-back whales 'appear in 'uue coas ^L^zl waters of<br />

1las:.achuuetts t,42 0 2d) . They are also seen off iiej-t1'ou::cilai;d in Apri1.<br />

',uheir movement from the ^:e-t•tfoundland regioii follows t wo routes. bome<br />

of'* them continue to move northward and pass throu^^i !)avis Strait into<br />

.t3affin jiay.<br />

Uthèrs_turn to trie northeast and enter inc. ureenlrLnd<br />

Sea through I)enr7al:k âtrait, continuin^, to move towards :lcdveziiii<br />

1:fi land .<br />

'vhese whales do not enter the ea.stern part of t,e ?,arents cea.<br />

rlump-b7.ck whales migrating soutla,ard have been obser.ved in<br />

the t:ewfoundlarid region , as early as the end of September and in October.<br />

In October and Ivovember# and even in :Uecetnber, . ti ►ey have been<br />

observed near I•iase,achusetts.<br />

in the rroxLherr; aart of the rvL-lantic Ocean h,zmp-back whales<br />

feed mainly on crustaceans --•- Thrsanoessa inermis and v.e^_'I.n^cl;iphanes<br />

nôrve,iiça. In coa:rtal waters tn::y eat herxi.ng ana ca.pelin. Uei)halopods<br />

and Pte-ropoda have been found in their stomachs.<br />

Sexiia.].lyM._ia.ture malos are about 11.7 metres iri 1ength, arid<br />

fe°.ivues about 11.0 metres. Gewtai;ion lasts for rather les:: -ccian 12<br />

months. `1'ne average - length of izet•t-born calves is 4.5 metresl they<br />

feed for about six ii-ion t'ns on tne mother' s milk, the fat content. oi'<br />

which is ul) to 40j<br />

The. spout emit'Eed by a hLUAÿ--oack whale is not hi h, it consists<br />

of fine spray, '.Che inte'rvals at which tue anisais appear on<br />

the * surface of the wa%er vary ttidely and del)ena on i.ne circums-;anceS.<br />

T.)uài.s;g the lactation perioti t,Ie 1•thaleb usually dive iox• only a i'ew<br />

minutes.<br />

The c:u:ration of tci;:: b.l'erl.th9.ng na,uNe varics fro;;i a i'ew minutes<br />

1,o 2() .or ^0 ininuL•es.<br />

exceed eil;•ht or nine knots.<br />

'- hoir rate of moveriont u::ual:l.y dôea riot<br />

Among ectops>,.rasites ti ►o most comruonly ou:;c:rvc;c are bax'Iia.cles<br />

citl i;inv,^ t. and .t1.a,puc:r;:z „i.cl i.it the a:-e;;i.on of tliu u.rot;t•>>ital ori--<br />

.1'i.ce. !Iiaa.e :I.ico c

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