Translation 2783

Translation 2783

Translation 2783


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..... 1ô3<br />

The huge four-char.lbered }ieart is surrou)ided by a pericclx'dial<br />

sac. 'i'he<br />

heart is very broad and tllex'efor.e has a circular contour<br />

The o:r'a.1 cavity of ceta.ceans is adapted only for seizing• and<br />

holding food.<br />

In baleen whalc:s the food is tritura:ted in tilclfirst<br />

section of the stomach, which is a prolongation of tlli:: ,;ullet ^baleen<br />

whales have three sections in the stomach; whcreas some<br />

species of<br />

tootl-l.ed whales ^beaked whales) have up to 1-j- sections).<br />

1Sehi.nd the liver, which contains cl. biliary duct ^ there are<br />

no bile L;lcl,ntlr3), a.:Lc the kidne,ys, which conaist of' from 150 to 500<br />

sepa:rate lobules in dolphins and from 6,000 to 8,000 in baleen whales.<br />

Data on the weight of various internal ort;a,ns are C2"iven in Appendix 4.<br />

The copulatory or^a.n of males lies in a special sac, and in<br />

110.<br />

the relaxed state is enclosed within the whale's body;' only when the<br />

carcass is inflated with air is it sometir,les .f'orced outside. 'i.'hé<br />

lacteal glands ^a single pair) lie in the rear part of the abdomen,,<br />

slightly in front of the urinogenital orifice. They become very conspicuous<br />

only after parturition, during the periou of suckling the<br />

young.<br />

The females are distinguished from the males by their very<br />

short perinaeum (st)ace between the urinogenital and anal orifices).<br />

The cerebrum is spherical in shàpe, with Niel l•-developect convolutions<br />

of the cerebrd.1 cortex. It is believed tha.'t the olfactory or.(;ans are<br />

poorly daveloped, or even reduced in size; tile visual and tactile<br />

orE,ans are much better developed. 11'he orÛari of hearing -- one of the<br />

principal sources whirreby the animal receives ini'orniation from the<br />

external.environment -- is highly developed.<br />

'l'ile<br />

auditory orifice is small, havin; the ciiiineter of an ordinary<br />

pencil, and ter:ninates blindly, or is closed with an ea.1^-p1u8.-<br />

^in baleen whales) .<br />

iZhe internai structure of the ear is complex;<br />

it is adapted to reception of both sonic and ultrasonic vibrations.<br />

'î'hé<br />

sonic vibrations are transferred to ti:e inner ear only tilrough<br />

the bones of the.inner ear:<br />

A:he foru":l.i.mL);, are mov41t,1c 011ly at t,ll. :;i.ioulder j oint.. 't't1EZr.•c<br />

is no clavicle. ..iie .9ca.l,u7.a is reJ:a.tive:Ly ';,r.oa.a, c:acl ,,^oinetijuec has<br />

tl.Jo. j) rOCfJl+;ïE';i., :' t1L) Spin(? Co1lti],E3tS of four rU^;]OC,:i. -`111e Cel.'ViCf-,l<br />

vcrtebrne (of v)liich L,,cre are sovei)) are 8,rec.tly com,xes.;ed.<br />

,.llora.ci.c verte urne becr thu ribs, from o),c t o O.i.^;,t pairs Of wi.d.ch<br />

are jOllli;ll Lu l,l'. .ït'i11'i 111.1<br />

inc<br />

l ^Ile]'G ,11`i:: .I'1'c:11 tL'l', to '.;E-VI'ilteCh i.C1.l.3'0, Of

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