Translation 2783

Translation 2783

Translation 2783


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••. • • • 60<br />

less. nomiaon on drift-ice along the west and east Coasts of the north<br />

island Of Novaya Zemlya, as also around te south island, as - well as<br />

'on Vaigach Island, in the Kanin-Kolguev shallows, and in the northern<br />

part of the White Sea. There are no shore rookeries of walruses in .<br />

the southern and -<br />

eastern parts of the Kara Sea; the animals are some-<br />

-times seen on drift-ice in the Sharapovye i(oshki region and. near the<br />

Belyi, Shokarskii, and Virkitskogo Islands, but farther east as far<br />

as the Severnaya Zemlya arnhipelaeo they are still more rarely sighted.<br />

Walruses are found throughout the Laptev Sea, apparently as<br />

far as the eastern islands of the Novosibirsk archipelago. In the<br />

and southwestern parts of the Laptev Sea thy are oçcasionally<br />

western<br />

seen on drift-ice at the south end of Severnaya Zemlya, in the Vil'-<br />

kitskii Strait, and among the Komsomoliskaya travda Islands; they<br />

rookeries on the shores of Paddeevekii, Andreya,.and,retra<br />

Islands, in Mariya Fronchishchevaya Bay, and on Preobrazhenie,.Begichev,<br />

and Peschanyi Islands. In the southern part of the sea, -<br />

rookeries have been observed only in the central part of the Lena<br />

delta, on Kuuba and Dunai Islands<br />

shore<br />

they have occasionally been seen<br />

on drift-ice and in the water near other parts of the coast and neigh7<br />

bouring islands.<br />

In the eastern part of tue Laptev Sea, on the i'.ovosibirsk<br />

Islands, walrus rookeries have been reported on Koternyi<br />

and.2eltkovskii *Islands, and possibly on other islands in the eastern<br />

part of -the archipelago. It is believed that the uastern limit of • •<br />

the.range of the Laptev Sea walruses runs threuch tue western part -<br />

of the .2,ast Siberian Sea.<br />

are illustrated in 14.<br />

The ranges of Ictlantic and i-acific walruses<br />

•Walruses make reè,ular, but short, migrations within their<br />

range. Durinr; winter and spring they stay in open areas of the sea<br />

-- areas of drift-ice with extensive - patches of Openwater and crevasses.<br />

When the drift-ice melts and breaks up the "walruses move to<br />

shallow coastal waters, and :then,remain near the usual places where :<br />

they form •shoru rookeries. •<br />

In hich A!ctic latitude.; lilranz-Josef Land) walrus rookeries<br />

• are observue bot on 'shore and on<br />

ice. ,Aleir loveidents a] on the<br />

coasts and ti.e islands :na i be described as mirations inte feeding<br />

districts, as the shallow parts of the sea, especially near their .<br />

carry abundance or food. ln Ulu !3arents, reuular shore rookeries,<br />


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