Translation 2783

Translation 2783

Translation 2783


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• 166<br />

with . a deep.notch in the centre. The head constitutes from one-quarter<br />

to one-third of the body length. The upper jaw is•arch-shaped. .The •<br />

lips of tha lower jaw are long, trapezoidal . or arch-shapod,• and over :-<br />

lap the upper jaw when the moutn is closed.<br />

The daric. elastic plates<br />

of baleen are more than 1.5 metres long, and their width is from one<br />

tenth to one-eighth of their length.<br />

This subfamily con tains two gonera, Lalaena (with one species)<br />

and inbalaena (with one species).<br />

. . . .<br />

Genus Dalaena L., 1758 (row-head !hale)<br />

This genus contains a single.species. -<br />

Bow-head Whale (Balaena mysticetus h., 1758)<br />

This is an unusually massive whale (Pig. 42). -<br />

The girth of<br />

the body in its thickest part (slightly to the rear of the flippers)<br />

is up to two-thirds of the body.length;<br />

The makimuM length does not<br />

usually exceed 18 metres, and very rarely is it as much as 21)fietres.<br />

PIIC. 42. ri lMaI..clefl 1$L1'.<br />

Fig. 42. Bow-head whale.<br />

•<br />

Adult waales are usually black, and jUveniles are of a greyish<br />

dark-blue.colour. bometimes white scars can be observed on the ventral<br />

side. Albinos (partial or complete) are occasionally reported.<br />

Wlen the wilale is on the surface of the water a.small cervical<br />

constrjction is seen more clearly.<br />

A blowhole is located au the hiEhest<br />

point of the head, and consists of two nasal orifices side by side.<br />

The spout consists of twoj.-mst jets, is in the form of fine spray,<br />

and reaches a height or four Or five metres.<br />

• The hLad of an adult occupies one-third of the body Ungth.<br />

The snout has no projections.<br />

he oral cavity is narrow OWL high.<br />

.1211.ere are 'altoi;ether up to 500 or 350 plates in - .eacn row, nanging from<br />

the arch-shaped upper jaw; te larest*of them are from ;() -Lc) 5.5<br />

moLrcs . lon . , ant. in rare .orloos 4.5 detres .. irine in finù and<br />

long olp to 50 or GO cm). The lips of the lowùr jaw uo not have

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