Translation 2783

Translation 2783

Translation 2783


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'<br />

69.<br />

been discovered that Sea of Okhotsk ringed seals, beth male and female,<br />

become mature one year earlier than 'do the Loring Sea animals. - As<br />

with other seal species, development • of the embryo begins after a •<br />

delay of approximately two-and-ône-half months; the total duratio n .<br />

of gestation is about 11 months.<br />

ï'he moultinr; period begins in the last ten days in April;<br />

sexUally-immature animals are the first to change tneir fur covering.<br />

Se.?mally-mature males begin to moult in Hay, .and females somewhat<br />

later. r . 1-le peak of mass moulting occurs in the first ten days in<br />

June, and moulting is completed for most of the animals by the last<br />

dayS . of June; a small number of moulting seals can be obs ,...rved even •<br />

in.August.<br />

During the Moult the seals spend a large part of their<br />

time on the ice-floes, and make passive migrations as these drift.<br />

In . certain years, in areas where the ice lasts a•long time, fairly<br />

large concentrations of moulting akibas have been observed (in. the<br />

• coastal zone from Ushki Bay to Okhotsk, on the Shantarskie Islands, .<br />

and in Sakhalinskii Bay).<br />

•<br />

When the ice disappears and moulting is completed the akibas<br />

begin to feed vigorously, and they continue to do so. for seven or<br />

. eight months (summer, autumn, and winter months). During the summer<br />

and early autumn the.seals disperse through the open sea, and can be<br />

observed swimming singly or in groups; but when ice begins to appear<br />

they concentrate in the coastal zone, in bays and .<br />

•<br />

inlewts. .1'heir diet<br />

during that period has not been thoroughly investigated, as they are<br />

• only occasionally killed at that time. All available information on<br />

their diet refers mainly to their period of living on tne ice, when<br />

. they feed less intensively than.in summer and autumn.<br />

• The akibas' diet is varied, but the chief items in it are<br />

small planktonic crustaceans and, less . often, shrimps. I-oishes found<br />

in their stomachs include herring, navaga, Arctic . cod, s:,elts, sand .<br />

eels, capelin, and bullheads. In spring tne principal item, in the<br />

diet of Sea of Okhotsk ringed seals is planktonic crustaceans, concentrations<br />

of which tee seals find in patches of oen water and<br />

spacou between icC-floes.<br />

In autumn they feud mainly on fishes. in<br />

the B ovin g t;e , a considerable part of tin' diet consihts or Arctie<br />

owl, ;Ind prolnont anonr' crustnceans,arç: nnc 'mphioda. - it<br />

iG belleveu tiut the inhiba' s diet classifie<br />

it au a planLun-eaLer,<br />

•<br />

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