Translation 2783

Translation 2783

Translation 2783


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204<br />

it is small, and almost triangular in shape. The snread of tne flukes - • •<br />

is equal to about one-quarter of. the body length. 'There are tubercles<br />

along the front edge of tae flippers -- vestiges of cuticular armour .<br />

In specimens from the Sea of Azov these tubercles appear only on the<br />

front edge of the dorsal fin.<br />

The upper jaw contains from 44 to 60 teeth (most often 27 137<br />

pairs), and the lower jaw . from 58 to 55 (most often 22 or 25 pairs).<br />

They are set obliquely within the oral cavity, but with age they<br />

become twisted and much abraded. The diameter of, tue teeth in the<br />

centre of the row is about 2 mm; dley are compressed laterally and<br />

chisel-shaped, and have a constriction between tue reot and. tue crown.<br />

The palate is smooth, without longitudinal grooves.<br />

The colour of the harbour porpoise may be from dark-grey to<br />

black above,• and from white to dark-grey underneath. A dark, almost<br />

black stripe runs from the corner of tae mouth to the flipper. Al- .<br />

binos rarely occur.<br />

•<br />

There are from 62 to 66 vertebrae, and 'rom 12 to 14 pairs<br />

of ribs.<br />

narbour porpoises are Pound only in the northern hemisphere,<br />

in coastal waters of the Atlantic Ocean, in tue l.ortn, 0,1tic, White,<br />

and Barents Seas, and also in tue Sea of Azov and the Black. bea.<br />

Occasionally they pass through the Strait of Gibraltar into the Mediterranean<br />

Sea. In the northerh part of tue Pacific Ocean they are<br />

found . along the coast of America from' Mexico to Alaska, including.<br />

Point Barrow, and from tne southern part of tne Chukchi Sea along<br />

the coast of Asia to Japan.<br />

• Genus Globicei)hala Lesson, 1828 (Common blackfish) •<br />

This genus contains a'single species.<br />

•<br />

Common Blackfish (Globice .phala melaena Traill, 1809)<br />

lb<br />

This species is sometime:i divided into subspecies: the common<br />

blackfish melae .na melaena Traill, 1d09), wnicn is found in the<br />

Atlantic Cicean (including tLe - editerranean :ea ) , t;loindian ucean,<br />

and the soutnern part of tit: lacific ocean; and G. melaena sieholdi,"<br />

(Gray, 1846), which is found in t.le northern part. of tn., lacific ucean.<br />

The males are larFer tnan tae females, tne larest of each<br />

nux me;.surin 0.5 metren and 5.0 metres re:,pectivel;i.<br />

body lias

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