Translation 2783

Translation 2783

Translation 2783


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• • •..••• 138<br />

a r uile there is a single pup.<br />

During the first days of lactation<br />

the females spend a considerable part of the- time with their offspring.<br />

In the Course of the lactation period, which lasts for 20<br />

or 30 days, the females become very thin,• and tue pups put on weight<br />

as a result of frequent and aeundant feeding with fat-rich milk.<br />

Yheir daily increase in weight may be as much as 6 kg. After each •<br />

feeding the pups collect in croups outside the harems. • :.11Ch grouping<br />

is observed for a period of four weeks, after wnich • tue pups move<br />

nearer to the water's edge.<br />

At tue age of ten to fifteen days they<br />

begin to moult they'complete the shedding of their embryonic coats<br />

before taking to the water, which happens at tne age of 30-55 days.<br />

Adult females begin to iate from 15 to 20 days after giving '<br />

birth to young, and continue to suckle their pups after the mating<br />

period.<br />

The males gradually leave the females; by Lovember they have<br />

lost interest in them and spend much or the time in the water, where<br />

they food intensively.<br />

for about 11 months.<br />

The harems then break up.. Gestation lasts<br />

It is believed that the maximum duration of life of a female<br />

elephant seal is 12 years, and that of a male 20 years. It is also<br />

believed that thu females attain sexual maLurity al tnu age of two<br />

years, and begin to breed at three years of age'.<br />

irobably the majority<br />

of them begin active breeding, however, when somewhat older (at .<br />

foUr or five years of age;<br />

Males on South Georgia.island become<br />

sexually mature at four years of age, but the indiviluals tnat form .<br />

harems are older (from five to seven years old). On Macquarie Island<br />

the females nate for tne first•time at three to six years of ace; the<br />

males become sexuall y mature in thoir fiftn year, but take part in<br />

harem-formation only when twelve years old.<br />

After the harems break Up and the lactation period ends the<br />

'adults spend some time at sea, and tnen return to -<br />

for the moult.<br />

1 .1e shore rookeries<br />

2he formation of moulting rookeries may extend •from<br />

December Lo 'C'ebruary, depending on the area in which the seals live.<br />

On an average the moulting period lasts for from ';,o<br />

to 40 days, but •<br />

tne dates or moul Lin may differ in different age and sex .; .roups.<br />

"hon the mull. ends moht of Lie seals leave the rookeries and go out<br />

to sea, where they feed intensively and seldon visit the snor e .<br />

Tue prinCiel food items of .elepnant seats iu.e fishes and<br />

'<br />


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