Translation 2783

Translation 2783

Translation 2783


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PART I<br />


l'innipedia and zjea. 0 tter ,<br />

..... 5<br />

Besides the order ï'innipedia, in this na,r.t of the manual we<br />

s hall a.lEto discuss sev, otters --- valuable fur-bear.er.:^. that live in<br />

the northcrn part of the Ia.cific Ocean. aea otters belonC; to the<br />

order CarnivorE^, but SY)end a la.r•,e part of tileir life in the sea.<br />

CI'LA:,-`l'ialt I<br />

GLI:EMtLL CTLfi1tACTERIS`icICS OP `i'FLû OiiD::j'R PII•li,I]?.:IDIlI<br />

The order Pinnipedia contains mam:ne.ls whose external appearance<br />

and the features of N•those internal structure i.nd•icate profound<br />

adaptation to an aquatic mode of life.<br />

They are large animals with a spindle-shaped trunk, circular<br />

in cross-section. The zoological body len[;th of adults of different<br />

species varies from 1.2 to 6.5 metres, and the total weiUht from 35<br />

kg to 3.5 metric tons. Their complete adaptation to the external<br />

environment is evidenced by the absence of any strongly--projectino<br />

parts of the body. The humerus and part of the radius and u1na, and<br />

in some species also the whole of the tibia, are enclosed within the<br />

cutaneous sac of the trunk.<br />

The limbs have five well-develoned di,;its united within a<br />

swimr.linn- membrane and converted into fin-like flippers' The hindlimbs<br />

of wa.lxuses and. fur seals can be bent freely under the trunk<br />

and enable the animals to move about on a hard substrate; the hindlimbs<br />

^flip_>ers^ of seals cannot be bent towards the tY•unk, and take<br />

no uart in move!:,ent on dry la.rid or on ice. •ahe claws are poorly<br />

developed on the fore-limbs of walruses and fur aeals, in cont;•ast<br />

to those of other seals, whose fore-limbs are p-rovided'with stron4,<br />

1•lell-dc_veloï)ed claws.<br />

The animals move in the water D^r means of<br />

lateral st',:ol:e(3 and o scl.llation:; of the I1L1"lc.:•^11.!I^b , 11111.].i; the front<br />

flippers serve as steerinl, 'l'I.e tail is vei•y siiort, ^ilcdc in<br />

some :3'lecies .^C•;;'. Ylall'll;;e:;i is scarcely visible.<br />

In mo ,{ s:^ecic:. "tlle2.•e 18, no cx^tc7•,,^l e^^.7• t^uL tllr^.t<br />

roe:; not n.ffec l; the E1.CLlte11^::S.i^, of ::ow::l pr,rc,c:T)tion.<br />

lleir. ilen.rinu is<br />

fu71.,y<br />

(111 o tc• i.u bo1;i, -i I., r, l!(1 wr::tor. - UnciC) i: we i. c, 2: 1 i!E" cr:r open.int;3<br />

ore covr^rod by ;.1O,,nn of the con trac tion of<br />

c7.o:;:Ln„ nutsc,lc:: .

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