Translation 2783

Translation 2783

Translation 2783


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260<br />

and females (usually sexually mature) stay in pairs, either a pair<br />

of one sex or a male and a female; in other cases they form groups<br />

of from six to eight animals of one sex. I% has been obserVed that<br />

the males show a greater tendency to congregate together, and form<br />

larger groups.<br />

From April to June groups of females predominate in the Gulf<br />

of Alaska; from July on there are more groups of males and mixed<br />

groups. That indicates that the females that have already mated are<br />

the first to arrive in the Gulf; then come the males, and the migration<br />

is completed by the rest of the animals.<br />

During the fattening period there is a reMarkable change in<br />

the state of nutrition: the-thickness of the subcutaneous blubber<br />

layer increases from 3-5 cm to 7-10 cm and even 13 cm.<br />

Most of the males attain sexual maturity on attaining an<br />

average length of 17.4 to 17.6 metres, the weight of the testes<br />

Icing not less than 2.6 kg, and the length of the penis not less<br />

than 1.3 metres. The females become sexually mature at a length of<br />

18.2 to 18.6 metres. The w_:.e of such whales is from four to six<br />

years. The fin whales in the Uast China Sea, which do not go beyond<br />

the boundaries of the Sea of Japan, are more "early-maturing" and<br />

begin to take part in reproduction at the following average lengths:<br />

males about 17 metres, and females about 18 metres.<br />

Mating takes place mostly from November to january, with a<br />

peak, apparently, in the middle of December; it is consummated under<br />

the water, sometimes on the surface, .A few cases of coitus have<br />

been observed in summer on the fattening-grounds.<br />

Gestation lasts for about 11.5 months. The average length<br />

of new-born calves is about six metres (from 5.0 to 6.9 metres:).<br />

As with other rorquals, parturition takes place in warm water, as<br />

the new-born calf does not have a protective layer of blubber. For<br />

its firs% hours of life the calf is very sluggish, and then it gradually<br />

begins to move. For more than six months it feeds exclusively<br />

on its mother's milk . The fat content of the milk is from 20% to<br />

45%, with an average of about 35.<br />

The lactation period ends when the calves have attained a<br />

length of 12 or 15motres, somet,ies even 13.5 metres'. The calves<br />

l'eed for some time on both .Milkaiid crustaceans, after which they<br />

advance to the regular diet of the srecies.

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