Translation 2783

Translation 2783

Translation 2783


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i'he<br />

..... 265^<br />

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first Dryde' s whales appear in the Kyushu region (33 N,<br />

1?0° E; in July, but almost two-thirds of the kill is made in Sep-<br />

It is possible that in that region (the northeastern part<br />

tember.<br />

of the ^ast China. Sea) these whales belong to another population --<br />

their length is approximately one metre less than that of whales<br />

of the Bonin Islands 01 roup<br />

As soon as t^,,.e water temperature begins to fall, in September<br />

or October, the Bryde's whales leave the Sanriku region a.nd go to<br />

warmer southern waters, i,: ith a water temperature of 2no-29o C.<br />

During the migration period the whales are observed to be<br />

segregated according to sex. In the Oshima region, in years with<br />

f^^.vourable temperature conditions, females are observed more often<br />

than males. In the Sanriku region the numbers of females increase<br />

froniMay to August, and decrease in September, but never fall below<br />

50%; sometimes the numbers fall abruptly in the-middle of summer<br />

(in July) and rise again by the end of September.<br />

In the Sanriku region Bryde's whales feed principally on<br />

'uphausie.cea, but mackerel and cephalopods are also<br />

anchovies and ^,<br />

found in their stomachs. Year Oshima t_zese whales feed in different<br />

seasons on anchovies and Eupha:asiacea.<br />

In the Bonin Islands region male Bryde's whales attain<br />

sexual maturity at a body lc.ngth of 11.9 metr.es,, when the pair of<br />

testes weighs 1.5 kg; the females beco!:ie sexually mature at a body<br />

length of 12.2 metres. The age of suc.11 whales is generally five<br />

yea.rs.<br />

iiionths...<br />

The matinv se-.ason is prolonged, usually lasting for several<br />

Gestation appears to last for about a year; new-born calves<br />

are about four metres in length.<br />

In the vicinitJ of the Ja_^anese islands, males from 10.6 to<br />

13.5 metres long and females from 10.G to 14.4 inetrès long were aged<br />

from 1.5 to 16.5 yea,°s and from 2.5 to 14 years respectivelY><br />

The parasites and diseases of -,Rytt Bryqe's whales have not<br />

been investigatee..<br />

The hunting of B.ryde's whales is chiefly concentrated around<br />

The anima.ls<br />

117e11e<br />

ara hunted most intensively<br />

from i;a J 1 to June<br />

Japan.<br />

52 y Tlh^.n a.l+: ost 700 of tiic;n<br />

10 1951 ar:.d from i':a^r 1 to Julie 20, 11<br />

, ^<br />

were killec; .<br />

coastal sta:i:i o.le at Cish:i.mcl and in tcic: Sariril;.u a^°ea. take<br />


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