Translation 2783

Translation 2783

Translation 2783


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.... -i11<br />

colour is y,ellow. Sexually-imwature indiviüuals are olive-=brow.n,<br />

with sl)arse spots, before the moult; after trie nioult they acauire a 76<br />

si.lver.y-tre^y hue, with dark-grey arici black spots sça.ttexed over the<br />

baclc and sides.<br />

A!aon;, tileir other external features, a rather lont.,^<br />

snout is characteristic.<br />

The maximum zoological len•ttl of c,tie adults is 155 cm, but<br />

the ].en^;•th utiually varies between 13.0 and V1.0 cltl.<br />

The adults wèigh<br />

fa.oul 50 to 60 lq;, but durin,; the period of nutri ^.i.utl t,luir,<br />

weig-ht :f.'eache:i 90 1•,U.<br />

The length of now-bomn pu-,)t. is 65-79 c,u, and<br />

their body we.tGilt averages 5 kg.<br />

Caspian seals are distributed tiirouc;,;out the Caspian Sea.<br />

In winter and spring, during the breeding and raoultin,^ periods, most<br />

of the herd is, coricentrated on floatinp,, ice in the nort,,arn part of<br />

the sea.<br />

On the break-up of the ice in i.lay some of the, seals leave<br />

the snallow, ^ael7.-wa3:med nortiiern part of the sea and mi,,;rate south.<br />

A largo pa.rt of the population spends the suUilller in the s-outnern and<br />

central. areas of the sea, but others remain in the nortri. 4;i1er1 the<br />

breeding n,szaoci approaches the seals again .ai ;rate to the north.<br />

The location of the aupuin^-.^rounds is deter.^ine'd. not only<br />

by the distribution of oj-,en water, whereby the ^,roul^s of f em ÿles can<br />

penetrate into the centre of tlle ice-fields, but also by the existencé<br />

of areas of ]nunrlocky ice. iïost of the fe;:lales producé toeir<br />

young- in late January and early February (J ar_uax-y 25.to February 5 j.<br />

The pupning rookeries are formed in the nort.leastern part of the icefield<br />

(in the Gur'evskFl.fÉ1.<br />

Basin' and in areas lyiiip; l'ldrtil and northwes,^<br />

of Kul.ala J:s]:and : si-i-tall dis'connc.-cted concentrations are soluetines<br />

observed botween the lZal•_u;,hechnaya and Zhe:ilCllllZllY,ey^.L Bjari:cs and betweeil<br />

`l'yulenii and 'i;hacheii' Islands.<br />

^^urin^ the pup ;in^; seasoi; trie îe,:la^.es ma.,^e air-holes in the<br />

ice, as patches of o„en water rapidly freeze ove:r because of the<br />

absence of ei;Û-and--flow cuzrent•u and of snow.cover, and also because<br />

of the low salini.ty of the wa.tei.-: The presence of ' Flil'-ilül.es is a.<br />

c,•:aracteristic fes.ture of pupl,ing, rookeries in the Ca.âpi.a.n :_cc,. ..i'he<br />

concentraLions of seals in the pupl;ini; rookeries nevor L,ecome very<br />

den;^e; the Rniina.ls uuur111y take up positions on i-.um,ucl.y ice-f ielcis<br />

,at corlsid.erablo distances fro.:l one another.<br />

:iew--boi:•n pups a..• bc:llc:i. (whit,ecoats ), as t:.c;y are cal.led on

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