Translation 2783

Translation 2783

Translation 2783


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152<br />

little stUdied. It is 'known that. the adults atLain.a length of 210<br />

to 240 cm. The back is grey-brown and the belly pale-yellow. 'Newborn<br />

pups are covered with long, soft, black embryonic fur, Most •<br />

of. the females rroduce young at tue beginning of _.iecember, but data<br />

on the periods of lactation, mating, and moulting of adults are<br />

lacking. It is believed that fishes constitute 'Luc, greater part'of<br />

their diet. The number of these seals within their range is unknown.<br />

Hawaiian 1:tonk Seal (konachus schauinslandi 1.,atshie, 1905)<br />

The adults of this species are coloured dark-grey, almost<br />

slate-coloured,,on the back, while the sides and belly are light-grey.<br />

The dark tone is more characteristic of the males. The basic colour<br />

of' new-born pups is black, witn white spots scattered everywhere<br />

through it. After they moult their embryonic fur the pups acquire a,<br />

straw-black colour on the.back and a silvery-grey coleur on the belly.<br />

The maximum zoological body length of adult males is 210 cm.<br />

It is believed that the females are 15-20 cm longer than the males.<br />

The body weight of the males may reach 170 kg. The length of new-born<br />

pups is 80-105 cm' and their weight is 9-10 kg. -At the age of one<br />

month the pups are 130 cm in length and weigh 50 kg; at the age of<br />

one year they are 150 cm in length and weigh 70<br />

The range is,restricted to a group of atolls and islands lying<br />

northwest of the Hawaiian Islands proper. The principal breedinggrounds<br />

of these seals are located on Kure and i:lidway. Islands, rearl<br />

and Hermes Reefs, Lisianski and Laysan Islands, and French and frigate<br />

Reefs. Their habitats are restricted ta the - snallow-water.zone of •<br />

the reefs or to sandbanks. The animals do not make long migrations,<br />

but spend a large proportion of their time in te water, especially<br />

at night; by day they are less active and most of tnem lie.bn the shore.<br />

The parturition period is fairly'len, and - lasts fromaÉebruary<br />

to Y.ay. A female usually breeds every year and produces a single pup.<br />

Lactation lasts for a little more tnan a month. .,he.pups are able<br />

to enter the water within a few days after birth, but do not usually<br />

do so until they are two weeks old, before they have . finished moulting<br />

their embryonic fur. The moult lasts for five or six weeks. •After<br />

bomplotion of the moult tiac vilps *leave the shoo and Lo out to sea,<br />

comiercing an independent moue of life. i:he females re„tain in tne •<br />

rookery, and apparently the mating period of • tue seults then pegins.

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