Translation 2783

Translation 2783

Translation 2783


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:.... 1-73<br />

The lower jaw is convex and extends beyond,• the end of the snout:<br />

';Then the IROuth is closed the flat upper ja;•r is colapletely en'sttlfed<br />

by the ou'ttaarcll.^ -bul^in; lot`ler jaw (there are no lil,s, -as such<br />

forming a straight lizie with an abrupt curvature of the mouth belo^r<br />

the. eyes. The baleen plates are joinect.toge tner at tue end of tue<br />

snout -by a f;rou,) of small rods of horny mraterial. E ach row may conts.â.n<br />

uir to 450-11.75 baleen plates, from 20 or 21) c:a to 100 cln lorlg,.<br />

x`c>,r.o7.y lona'er. 11'he width of 1;VEese plates is up to 30,.. of tileir<br />

leng,th, The oral cn.vity is low, but wide, a, lare part of it beinE;<br />

occurried by the extre;lely-movabl.e toniSue.<br />

In most rorquals the flippers are lancet-like and narrow, with<br />

four digits. The flukes are broad, with c.^ conspicuous indentation<br />

in the middle. The spout corisists of a single jet.<br />

On tiie basis of the biological rhythms, whicii are opposite in<br />

season, and of differences in the sizes of ;lpecim.er'ls of the same age<br />

^in slrite of the absence of observable morpholog].ec,l difi'e,.:•ences), _<br />

it is considered that independent .(;•eoC;ra^;hicnl races ^subspecies)<br />

exist in the two hemispheres. 'Southerl'1 speciilen.> are larLn,-er.<br />

4<br />

The family contains two genera: hump-back whalcs (t,rith a single<br />

species) and 'true rorquals ^five species).<br />

.<br />

C,erlu,s Pic-.,Lera CTr^t,y, 1846 ^;iump-ba.ck l.;hales)<br />

hump-back ',lhe.le nodosa•;

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