Miftah-ul-Janna (Booklet for way to Paradise)

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deserve) your blessed praise!” Thereupon Hadrat Rasûl<strong>ul</strong>lah ‘sall-<br />

Allâhu ’alaihi wa sallam’ said <strong>to</strong> his daughter: “O my daughter!<br />

Angels in heaven feel hayâ (shame) <strong>to</strong>wards Hadrat ’Uthmân!”<br />

Because Rasûl<strong>ul</strong>lah ‘sall-Allâhu ’alaihi wa sallam’ gave him<br />

two of his daughters in marriage, (one after the passing of the first<br />

one,) he was called ’Uthmân-i-Zinnûreyn. Zinnûreyn means<br />

owner of two Nûrs. He is well versed in the knowledge of Ma’rifat<br />

(Spiritual knowledge pertaining <strong>to</strong> Allâhu ta’âlâ).<br />

The fourth most virtuous Walî after him is ’Alî ‘kerrem-Allâhu<br />

wejheh wa radiy-Allâhu ’anh’. His caliphate is rightf<strong>ul</strong>, a fact<br />

ascertained by the ijmâ’-i-ummat. He is Rasûl<strong>ul</strong>lah’s son-in-law.<br />

The beloved Messenger of Allâhu ta’âlâ gave his daughter Hadrat<br />

Fâtima ‘radiy-Allâhu ’anhâ’ in marriage <strong>to</strong> him. He is well versed<br />

in the knowledge of Tarîqat. He had a gh<strong>ul</strong>âm (man slave). One<br />

day his gh<strong>ul</strong>âm intended <strong>to</strong> test his master. Hadrat ’Alî ‘radiy-<br />

Allâhu ta’âlâ ’anh’ was outdoors at that time. When he came in<br />

and asked the gh<strong>ul</strong>âm <strong>for</strong> some service, the latter remained silent.<br />

Thereafter, Hadrat ’Alî ‘kerrem-Allâhu wejheh’ inquired: “O<br />

gh<strong>ul</strong>âm! What wrong have I done <strong>to</strong> you <strong>to</strong> offend you and what<br />

on my part has hurt you?” The gh<strong>ul</strong>âm replied: “You have done<br />

nothing wrong <strong>to</strong>wards me. I am your slave. I have behaved so<br />

only <strong>to</strong> test you. You are a true Walî.”<br />

[Muslims who love all the Ashâb-i-kirâm (Sahâba) and who<br />

follow in their footsteps are called Ahl as-sunnat (or Sunnî<br />

Muslims). Those who say that they love some of them and who<br />

hate most of the Sahâba are called Shî’îs (Shiites). Those who are<br />

inimical <strong>to</strong>wards all the Sahâba are called Râfidîs. A person who<br />

claims <strong>to</strong> love all the Sahâba but who does not follow any one of<br />

them is called a Wahhâbî. Wahhâbîism is a mixture of the ideas of<br />

the heretical man of religion named Ahmad ibni Taymiyya and the<br />

lies of the British spy named Hempher. They call the Ahl assunnat<br />

Muslims ‘disbelievers’ because those true Muslims reject<br />

the Wahhâbî tenets of belief. [This stigmatization on their part<br />

bounces back on them, making them disbelievers themselves.]<br />

The Wahhâbî doctrines were concocted by British plotters in<br />

the Arabian penins<strong>ul</strong>a in 1150 [1737 A.D.] They shed a<br />

considerable amount of Muslim blood in their ef<strong>for</strong>ts <strong>to</strong> spread the<br />

British plans. Today also, they are establishing Wahhâbî centers<br />

which they call Râbita-t-<strong>ul</strong> ’âlam-il-islâmî in every country and<br />

hunting unlearned men of religion by showering gold on<strong>to</strong> them.<br />

Through these mercenaries they are misguiding Muslims. They are<br />

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