Superconducting Technology Assessment - nitrd

Superconducting Technology Assessment - nitrd

Superconducting Technology Assessment - nitrd


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Power and bias current<br />

Power is dissipated continuously in the series resistors used to bias each junction. P ~ 0.5I CV DC per junction, where<br />

V DC is the DC voltage power bus. This static power dissipation dominates on-chip power dissipation. Ohmic dissipation<br />

can be reduced by using the smallest I C consistent with the required BER, using designs with the fewest<br />

junctions (e.g., using passive rather than active transmission lines), and reducing the on-chip voltage supply as<br />

much as possible consistent with gate stability and preserving margins.<br />

For a 2 mV bias supply, the static power dissipation is 100 nW/JJ. If one accepts ~10% reduction in gate margin<br />

(e.g., from 30% to 20%), one can reduce V DC to ~ 10 -5 F(GHz). At 50 GHz, V DC = 0.5 mV and the static power<br />

dissipation is ~ 35 nW/JJ. Power is dissipated in every JJ in both the logic and clock networks at the SFQ switching<br />

rate, P = 2 x 10 -15 f SFQI C = 2 x 10 -19 watts/Hz per JJ (~1 electron-volt) or 0.2 nW/GHz/JJ. At 50 GHz, the<br />

irreducible SFQ power is = 10 nW/JJ.<br />

A recent concept (called SCCL, Self-Clocked Complementary Logic) mimics CMOS by replacing bias resistors with<br />

junctions, forming a complementary pair wherein one and only one of the pair switches each clock cycle, and<br />

eliminates the ohmic loss. A few gates have been simulated and limited experiments have been performed<br />

successfully, but it has not been developed for a general gate family. An added value of this approach is incorporation<br />

of the local clock into the gate, eliminating the need for separate clock distribution circuitry. Normally, clock<br />

distribution has a splitter per gate that increases ohmic power, is an added source of jitter that reduces margins in<br />

large circuits, and occupies valuable space on-chip.<br />

Chips with a large number of junctions require large bias currents. Even assuming all JJs are at minimum I C of 100<br />

µA, a 10 6 -JJ chip will require 100 A. Efficient methods of supplying bias current to the chips will have to be<br />

demonstrated for large circuits. A method to bias large circuit blocks in series (referred to as current recycling or<br />

current re-use) will be essential for large junction-count chips in order to reduce the total current supplied to the<br />

chip to a manageable value. Both capacitive and inductive methods of current recycling have been demonstrated<br />

at a small scale. Current recycling becomes easier at higher J C. There have been no demonstrations of current<br />

recycling for large circuit blocks or for a large number of stages, so this will require development. Current recycling<br />

can reduce the heat load in the power lines into the cryostat, but does not reduce the on-chip power dissipation.<br />

For current re-use, the ground planes under adjacent circuit blocks must be separated and subsequent blocks<br />

biased in series. It will also be necessary to isolate SFQ transients between adjacent blocks. This may be achieved<br />

by low pass filters, but will need to avoid power dissipation in the filters. Series inductance could provide high<br />

frequency isolation; the inductors could be damped by shunting with suitable resistance, such that there is no DC<br />

dissipation. Capacitive filtering may be problematic.<br />

Efficient methods of supplying bias current to the chips need to be demonstrated for large circuits. The problem is<br />

to supply a large, low noise, stable current to the chip though the thermal-mechanical interface. Except for<br />

minimizing the number of JJs, power reduction does not reduce the current required to power the chip. This is<br />

discussed below.<br />

Flux trapping<br />

All Josephson circuits are sensitive to local magnetic fields. This sensitivity derives from the small size of the<br />

magnetic flux quantum; one flux quantum is equivalent to 2 x 0 -7 gauss in a 1-cm 2 area. (The magnetic field of the<br />

earth is ~ 0.4 gauss.) JJ circuits are shielded from local magnetic fields, such as the earth’s field, by high<br />

permeability shields. The field inside “good” shields can be as low as a few milligauss. Flux trapping occurs at<br />

unpredictable locations in superconducting films as they are cooled through their superconducting transition<br />

temperature, T C. Flux trapped in ground planes can shift the operating point of SFQ circuits. One method for<br />

alleviating this effect is to intentionally trap the flux in holes (called moats) placed in the ground plane. One tries<br />

to place the moats where the trapped flux will not affect the circuit. There is no standard system for designing<br />

and locating moats. When flux trapping is suspected as the problem for a chip under test, the procedure is to<br />

warm the chip above T C and cool it again, possibly after changing its orientation or position. If the behavior changes<br />

every time, the conclusion is that flux trapping is at fault. The assumption is that flux trapping is not reproducible.<br />


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