Superconducting Technology Assessment - nitrd

Superconducting Technology Assessment - nitrd

Superconducting Technology Assessment - nitrd


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Superconductor Integrated Circuit<br />

Fabrication <strong>Technology</strong><br />


Invited Paper<br />

Today’s superconductor integrated circuit processes are capable<br />

of fabricating large digital logic chips with more than 10<br />

K gates/cm P . Recent advances in process technology have come<br />

from a variety of industrial foundries and university research<br />

efforts. These advances in processing have reduced critical current<br />

spreads and increased circuit speed, density, and yield. On-chip<br />

clock speeds of 60 GHz for complex digital logic and 750 GHz for<br />

a static divider (toggle flip-flop) have been demonstrated. Large<br />

digital logic circuits, with Josephson junction counts greater than<br />

60 k, have also been fabricated using advanced foundry processes.<br />

Circuit yield is limited by defect density, not by parameter spreads.<br />

The present level of integration is limited largely by wiring and<br />

interconnect density and not by junction density. The addition<br />

of more wiring layers is key to the future development of this<br />

technology. We describe the process technologies and fabrication<br />

methodologies for digital superconductor integrated circuits and<br />

discuss the key developments required for the next generation of<br />

100-GHz logic circuits.<br />

Keywords—Anodization, critical current, flip-flop, foundry, interlevel<br />

dielectric, Josephson junction, niobium, niobium nitride,<br />

100-GHz digital logic, photolithography, planarization, quantum<br />

computing, qubit, rapid single-flux quantum (RSFQ), reactive ion<br />

etch, resistor, SiOP, superconductor integrated circuit, trilayer.<br />


In the past ten years, low-temperature superconductor<br />

(LTS) integrated circuit fabrication has achieved a high level<br />

of complexity and maturity, driven in part by the promise<br />

of ultrahigh speed and ultralow power digital logic circuits.<br />

The typical superconductor integrated circuit has one<br />

Josephson junction layer, three or four metal layers, three<br />

or four dielectric layers, one or more resistor layers, and a<br />

minimum feature size of 1 m. Niobium, whose transition<br />

temperature is 9 K, has been the preferred superconductor<br />

Manuscript received December 3, 2003; revised April 16, 2004.<br />

L. A. Abelson is with Northrop Grumman Space <strong>Technology</strong>, Redondo<br />

Beach, CA 90278 (e-mail: lynn.abelson@ngc.com).<br />

G. L. Kerber was with Northrop Grumman Space <strong>Technology</strong>, Redondo<br />

Beach, CA 90278 USA. He is now in San Diego, CA 92117 USA (e-mail:<br />

george.kerber@glkinst.com).<br />

Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/JPROC.2004.833652<br />

0018-9219/04$20.00 © 2004 IEEE<br />

due to its stable material and electrical properties, and ease<br />

of thin-film processing. The Josephson junction, which is<br />

the active device or switch, consists of two superconducting<br />

electrodes (niobium) separated by a thin ( 1 nm thick)<br />

tunneling barrier (aluminum oxide). Josephson junctions,<br />

fabricated in niobium technology, exhibit remarkable electrical<br />

quality and stability. Although the physical structure<br />

of the Josephson junction is simple, advanced fabrication<br />

techniques have been developed to realize a high level of<br />

integration, electrical uniformity, and low defects. Today,<br />

niobium-based VLSI superconductor digital logic circuits<br />

operating at 100 GHz are a near-term reality and could have<br />

a significant impact on the performance of future electronic<br />

systems and instrumentation if the rate of innovation and<br />

progress in advanced fabrication continues at a rapid pace.<br />

The promise of ultrahigh speed and ultralow power<br />

superconductor digital logic began in the mid-1970s with<br />

the development of Josephson junction-based single-flux<br />

quantum (SFQ) circuits. In 1991, Likharev and Semenov<br />

published the complete SFQ-based logic family that they<br />

called rapid SFQ (RSFQ) logic [1]. In 1999, researchers<br />

demonstrated a simple RSFQ T flip-flop frequency divider<br />

(divide-by-two) circuit operating above 750 GHz in niobium<br />

technology [2]. In terms of raw speed, RSFQ logic is the<br />

fastest digital technology in existence [3]. RSFQ logic gates<br />

operate at very low voltages on the order of 1 mV and require<br />

only about 1 W for even the fastest logic gates. As a result,<br />

on-chip RSFQ logic gate density can be very high even for<br />

100-GHz clock frequencies. RSFQ logic is considered to be<br />

the prime candidate for the core logic in the next generation<br />

of high-performance computers [4]–[7] and is recognized<br />

as an emerging technology in the Semiconductor Industries<br />

Association roadmap for CMOS [8]. Recently a prototype<br />

of an 8-b, RSFQ microprocessor, fabricated in the SRL<br />

(formerly NEC) 2.5-kA/cm process (see Table 1), demonstrated<br />

full functionally at a clock frequency of 15.2 GHz<br />

with power consumption of 1.6 mW [9]. Even smaller scale<br />

applications, such as ultrawide band digital communication<br />


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